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kkcoolman Blog

Update of everything I haven't said of late.

Ok I've been super busy to post any blogs lately but I thought I would let you catch up with the gaming side.

Well firstly I haven't actually been playing much games lately, due to college work and secondly because I have had my 360 red ringed twice in a row and then the dvd drive broke so I had no 360 working for 3 months:shock:

Away from that I bought a ds lite a couple of months ago to complete my collection of all the latest consoles and handheld systems. Although I have mislayed it right now, but I'll find it sometime.

On the PC side I have been through a few system upgrades since the last post about my PC including my graphics cards >Nvidia 7950GT > Nvidia 8800 GTX > my newest which I got today a Nvidia 9800 GX2

My current Gaming PC is as follows :

  • Aerocool ExtremEngine 3T (PC Case)
  • 1000W Thermaltake power supply
  • Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4
  • Asus P5N-E SLI
  • 2 x 500GB, 7200rpm HDD
  • 2 x Dual Layer DVD Recorders 48X (One with Lightscribe, one with Flash label)
  • 4Gb RAM
  • Asus Nvidia 9800 GX2
  • Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music 7.1
  • 3 X LCD Flat panel monitors 24" widescreen (max res 1920 x 1200)
  • Matrox Triplehead2Go
  • Windows Vista Premium
  • Logitech G25 Force Feedback Wheel

Well thats it, it's short but I think I cover most of the important things i never mentioned.

oh wait I bought a 360 HD DVD drive after the "war" was lost. I also bought a standalone player (Toshiba EP-35) and have about 24 HD DVD's but I just purchased another 25 today, some might say I'm crazy.

Rock Band UK Prices/Bundles

Yesterday I joined the gamespot gamer instincts panel but so far I havn't recieved any surveys.

Thankfully I have joined many others and today I got a survey on Rock Band. I argreed that I would say anything about the survey with them so I won't get into detail, but it mention some interesting things. Such as the individual prices for each instument/mic and prices for bundels (but the bundels were so varied in price and content you couldn't make much of them). It also gave 3 price points to choose from for a 6 song downloadable song pack. lastly it mentioned whether you'd be intestered in having a USB hub adapter to come with the game so you can plug in four players via USB. it went into some detail about features etc but nothing much new.

Well I left out the prices just incase they come chasing me :D

Euan (AKA KKCoolman)

Finally, I have all three consoles

On Wednesday I bought a Wii and also picked up Wii play and Splinter Cell: Double Agent (I already have it for 360, but I got it as it was cheap and I wondered how that kind of game would be on the Wii). I also got a componet cable as I know how bad my xbox looked through Scart or composite cableon my HDTV. Well although the graphics are bad (understatement for SP: DA), the controller is pretty fun to use in wii sports and although I was originally annoyed with the camera control in splinter cell I think I have gotton used to it (still no where as good as 2 analogue sticks though).

Well Thats all I have to write at the moment.

Euan (AKA KKCoolman)

Regarding My postion as Forza 2 Union Leader

I regretfully have to say that I must resign from the Forza 2 union, due to a new work load. In the past couple of weeks I just haven't been able to get to the union enough. I fell it deserves much better. Therefore I will pass it on to another member to run it. Forza 2 is one of my favourite racing games to date and definatly deserves a Gamespot union with it being just a comunity based game.


Euan (AKA KKCoolman)

Finally My Free Casino Royale Blu-ray Came Today

As the title says my free Blu-raymovie came through the post todayfor registering my PS3. It took quite a while but I'm glad it came as it was one of the reasons I bought my PS3 so early (honestly).

Other than that I havejust seenall of the E3 press converences (even the microsoft one which started 4:30am here in the UK) and they were all quite interesting. I'll leave my thoughts for later though.

Well I'll just say A little PGR4 it looking great. I actually knew there could have been motorbikes in it as well as many other things as in late summer 2006 I was asked many questions by bizzare creationson what I wanted to see in the game (I still have all the stuff they asked on disk). Though at the time I was told I wasn't allowed to say anything about it. At the time I remeber how much I was against the motorbikes but it looks like it will be ok(as long as you are not forced to ride them alot instead of cars).

Finally before go I'll quickly say things I liked at so far at E3.

PGR4, COD4:MW (that was amazing),Halo 3, Wii Zapper, Wii Fit (Hmmm not sure about it, but might be good), HOME,MGS4: guns of the patriot and Killzone actually looks quite good.

I gtg trying to watch E3 coverage.

Thoughts on Forza 2 (and some tips)

Well I have had Forza 2 for under 2 weeks and here are my thoughts.

Firstly let me say I owned the original Forza, but didn't buy it until about February 2006, by that time I had my 360 for a few months :shock:. It's not that I didn't want the game at the time. As I remember before it came out reading XBM and the Official Xbox UK Magazine about it and really looking forward to it. Just at that time I never had a job and buying games was more a matter of when you got some money from someone, so I t never got round to it. When I did buy the game I remember putting it in and playing it and feeling it was the worst racing game I had every played. So stopped playing it after about 30-40 mins. Because I was so used to games like PGR etc. the whole issue with braking and not being able to turn at the same time, major pissed me off. Although after a while I got used to the driving physics. In all honestly with there not being any points, looking not good on HDTV and a very deep game to finish. I think I played it for no more than 20 hours and played online 3-4 races.

So you'd think, why the hell did you want Forza 2, if you never really played much or liked the first one. Quite Simply I bought it way too late and felt I could get into it for that reason. I seen the reviews and what other have said about the game, so knew it must have been good. So seeing I love xbox more that other consoles (Ok, I Own a PS3 and likely will get a Wii when they are available in shops, but I still would only ever pick Microsoft's console if I could only have one !!!) I was totally wanting to play the new Forza the minute it was first announced, because at least this time I would have it when it came out.

So the game came out and I have played it "quite a bit". Considering I got it a week behind people in the US, I think I have played much more that the average person who lives over there. So I believe I can comment fairly well on how the game is. Over all the game is solid. There isn't that many flaws I could say that are annoying. If I were to pick a few it be the poor quality reflections on the hood, but I never use that view anyway as there isn't a rear view mirror (you could say that is annoying though, as I likely would have driven in that view if the mirror is there, but It's not that big a deal). As for the outside view of the back of the car, I think I've used that twice (Who the hell drives a car from the outside???) so I couldn't tell you how good it is in great detail, but the cars look fine even if the damage of paintwork gets very repetitive after you have seen it once. The auction house would be better if you could name the design on your car and search for that name.

As for the point in this game, well they'll take a long time to get but nothing really looks hard in it. Although I have many million credits earned in the single player career, the million credits earned online achievement personally sounds the hardest (well most boring). Really, after completing the single player career will I be looking forwards to listening to a lot of ******* from people on XBL to earn that achievement ...nope. Levelling up is easy I am level 41 and I had only played the game for 1 week 3 days days and I had time to complete all of the arcade section including time trials. I have to admit though I have played it much this week, on of the days I mentioned I didn't even play it. I've been so tired the last few days I have even drifted off to sleep while racing in Forza a few times (Man, that really annoyed me when I had not smashed for say 7 laps, then for a split second your eyes close and then a bang and the controller rumbles, most importantly the winning money as reduce because of damages :(). I think I If I have played it a bit more this week I would have been around 45 -7 in level. Lastly the points for collection the cars (the secrets are for that as well) sure they will take a long time, but hey I'm sure they are all easy to get .

Steering Wheel

Well this game work very well with the official 360 wireless steering wheel. It feels much more natural that what the PGR3 force feedback was like. I played with the wheel for the first 20 hours of playing the game and really enjoyed it. The only advantage of the wheel is that your steering tends to be much smoother and precise. It obviously feels more realistic but controller is perfectly fine for playing the game if you don't have one.

Well one slight annoying thing about the customization especially with car livery designs is that there are no points. As I think I have spend about 15 hours painting/decal cars alone. Which I could have earned points in the career with those hours :(. Never the less it is good but still hard to make good designs. My latest design it actually going to advertise my new website. lol talk about in-game advertising :D.

The cars sounds are really good, just as you would expect from a AAA racing sim. I really love the crashing sounds though. The sounds of shattering glass or the thud of hitting a cone all sound great. The only down side of the in-game sounds would be crowds are not that diverse, but if your paying attention to that then your not playing it right. Lastly the music in the menus is Soooo much better than that crap in the first game.

My tips for playing the game.

1. Don't got buy loads of cars.
Don't got buy loads of cars just because you like them, else you could run out of credits when you need them. This has never happened to me in racing games like this but I know people do that. why bother when you are given plenty of cars for playing the game. I say only purchase them when you really need them: If you can't enter without buying a car (although if there are other races try them, you might unlock a car that will work in the previous race and save your self credits). Or if you are filthy rich and really like the car :D but still watch out if you haven't got near the end of the career as you have to think about car AND the cost of upgrades.

2. Spend time painting up one good design.
Spend time painting up one good design. Then sell cheap cars from your own region with your design on it. It's like printing money and you'll get a achievement after a while for doing this.

3. "Concentration is Key"
This is really the most important thing I can say when racing. It is so easy to be leading a race for ages and loose focus for a second, most of the time causing you vital damage and race position.

4. Dont cut corners
Unlike other racing games, cutting corners doesn't pay. Even on concrete your cars will slow down, get caught in the sand or grass as it's like driving in syrup. You'll also get a time penalty for it, so if your doing a time trial stay on the track or your time will be much longer. Saying all this though, there are a few places that is worth cutting ;) (if your just racing and not caring about lap times). Try finding them they are very useful.

5. Brakes are more important than your accelerator

Believe it or not, braking is more important (especially with no ABS). At all times remember your braking points. Obviously this will change from car to car but once you work out where they are keep it in your mind. If you don't brake enough, you will be well off of the racing line or even worse smashed up against a wall. Nearly all your mistakes will usually be down to braking, just remember you have to be slow to be fast.

Ok So thats me , I could write much more but it's 2:40 am and I really want some sleep. The text above likly doesn't even make sence. Ah well who cares I really don't feel like reading it all.

Lastly I'm not sure if I'm play much Forza in the next week or 2 I have alot of things to do other than play games.

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog/review/guide any questions about the game then PM me. Oh and lastly don't ever worry about things like Tru-Skill ranks there are always too many people better that you to care about them, and lap times ehh really I don't care about them either, just try and enjoy the game.

Well I'm off and going to bed, c ya's

P.S. This game isn't good for people who want quick gamer points. You'd be quicker playing oblivion to earn them ;)

Forza 2 Finally Out !!!!

Ok that blog I supoose is a bit late but since Forza 2 came out in the UK last week I havn't don't much else other than play it. I better stop though as I need to get other things done but I'll be playing it untill the end of the week then I'll have to limit the amount of hours I have to spend playing it.

Anyway I havn't much time to wrtie got to get back to the game and check the Forza 2 union :|

untill next blog

Enjoy playing Forza 2

KKCoolman out !

New Games 1/6/07

Yesterday I bought some new games. Firstly I got Far Cry Instincts Preditor for the 360 Although I have Far Cry Instincts for the Xbox, I bought that after getting a HDTV and by the time I got that I didn't enjoy playing my xbox as much, as the picture quality of the games looks crap. As for far cry I could see the enemies properly in my xbox and even once the made it BC for the 360 I could be bothered playing to so I supose If I get the 360 version I'll be able to see everything better:D. I bought the From Russia With Love Limited Edition , as this it the only resent bond game I don't have because it came out arround the time of the 360 and with it not being 360 BC I decided not to get it. I seen it yesterday in a cool FRWL tin so I thought I'd buy it as it works on the PS3 in 1080p now. Lastly I bought MGS3. I have been looking for MGS3 Substance everywhere and when I did find it I came back and it was sold. I finally gave up trying to find substance. Although I seen the original version twice for £8 cheaper than I paid for it, I couldn't care less as I have been wanting to play this game since i bought my PS3.


Only one problemo I have is: I have so many games I have bought and not played yet and FM2 come out on friday lol I'll never get to play them.


For example I Bought F.E.A.R had havn't even put it in my 360 yet, I have only about about an hour or 2 of Splinter Cell Double Agent, NFS Carbon, Resistance Fall Of Man, Tekken DR and only played Test Drive for about a week :(


As for the PS1 games I bought I played though for 30 mins each



On the good side I can't say I haven't got any games to play but ont he bad side where do I find the time :|, at least college is over :D


P.S There are a lot of grammer errors in this post but hey I'm writing This quickly to I can go and play some of these games. Oh and BTW thanks Sony for the new PS3 Firmware update, for once you did some thing usefull :D

Gone all retro lol

I haven't bought any PS1 games in YEARS but today I bought two. I was in gamestation and I thought I'd check the "Retro" section and was looking though the PS1 games. I seen 007: The World Is Not Enough, which I've been wanting for years to get beening a James Bond fan, but never got around to it. Seeing it was buy one get one free I got Driver 2 aswell. I couldn't decide what other one I wanted but seeing I hadn't played driver 2 and I liked the original driver I decided on taking it. The only problem with playing old games other than fact they look awfull and have no points is the way FPS play. I remember when they switched FPS on consoles from one analogue stick to two and that threw me for awhile. I have to say that going back to the movement with only one stick is just as anoying.

Tekken 5 DR (PS3)

The game I was talking about in my last blog was Tekken 5 DR for PS3 which I couldn't get because of a credit card issue but I got that fixed and bought it today. It's good though textures you can see aren't that great quality, but for the price £6.99 (limited offer). Oh and the demo for Forza 2 came out today though it took me AGES to download :|. Anyway when it was downloaded I tried it straight away withthe MS force feedback wireless steering wheel and all I can say is great !!!!!!!


Anyways I'm off as I'm trying to watch "on the spot" while I'm writing this. Luckly I have a dualview monitor setup so can see both :D


Thanks for reading,



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