A DS can play media also....just with lower quality....
Some people just need some closure...it's like, if you've gotten a PSP for portable gaming, you'll feel weird comparing the games between the PSP and the DS. Hence, you'll rationalize that the PSP is the superior choice. But for a minority that looked out of the box, they understood that both have their strengths, and thus, got both the PSP and the DS.
I used to think that the DS has poor graphics, but it's just that i do not know its strengths well enough. The opening cutscenes on the DS can be awesome, for example, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Tales of Hearts, the new Valkyrie Profile game.
Game play graphics may be inferior to the PSP, but i think it's not entirely a bad point, it's a double edged sword. Games with simple graphics, that play well, suits the DS, and such games are here to stay. However, if they were to go onto the PSP, they'll look stupid and play stupid.
I have both, and i think it's not the console that matters in the end. It's the games. When a good game comes onto the DS, the PSP gets neglected. When a good game comes to the PSP, the DS gets neglected. Unless it's an avid gamer, and he/she decides to commit to both consoles equally, like keeping two pets.
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