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komodo19 Blog

Random blog 3

I shall put some riddles in my blog and * means they're solved--

1) A man walks into a dark room. There's a candle, a lantern, and a torch. He only has one match. What does he light first?*

2) What has a mouth, but doesn't talk and has legs, but doesn't walk?*

3) A man went into a room. In order for him to be king, he needed to find a real flower in a room full of origami flowers. The door was locked and the window was open. How did the man find the flower?*

4) Two archaeologists found a man and woman in ice. They automatically knew they were Adam and Eve by asking only one question. What did they ask them?

Some are easy, some are hard.

Inuyasha Banners

Cartoon Character - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them animation. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.   This user has over 20 friends. Autobot Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. This user was a member during the first month of TV.com. This user has contributed over 500 message board posts.


Nothing...fall asleep for sec...to...happens again...do...falls asleep on keyboard. :!: I'm awake! Falls asleep.

I have two options--

  • 1) Watch subbed One Piece episodes with bad editing (the sounds comes in 5 or 6 seconds late and there's a sentence across the screen the entire time)
  • 2) Go to my friends house and play videogames
  • 3) Explode
  • or 4) Complain to you guys about not knowing what to do
Cartoon Character - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them animation. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.  This user has over 20 friends. Autobot Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. This user was a member during the first month of TV.com. This user has contributed over 500 message board posts.

Went to the library

Yeah, I returned my DVDs. Cardcaptors: the Movie and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Then I got Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith :P. It's due next week along with my Manga Mania book. It shows you how to draw manga characters :D. Not from shows, but regular characters. That's it.

Random blog 2

I'm bored. Summer's boring. Don't know what to do. If someone suggests going outside, fat chance. Not gonna happen......unless you want me to suffocate from lack of artificial air and/or spontaneously combust.

Too lazy to hang out with friends at the moment. Youtube.com?; Naruto has fillers :evil:, One Piece skipped over 25 episodes (I could keep watching and skip from 160 to 188, but I want to see 161-187 so I don't lose track:D ), FMA ended:cry:, and there's nothing else to watch. Television has crap on. Don't feel up to videogames.

My only options are to force myself to call friends, force myself to play videogames, go outside ( :lol:I thought I should add something funny:lol: ), draw something, or daydream.

Well that's it. Cartoon Character - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them animation. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.   This user has over 20 friends. Autobot Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. This user was a member during the first month of TV.com. This user has contributed over 500 message board posts.. The only thing I'm not too lazy for is writing this blog.


Yawn. Bored; started watching One Piece subbed episodes a couple days ago. That's is, oh and I'm lvl 14: Autobot.


I'm back!! Woohoo! Yay! Razzle-frazzle! (Sorry for the last serious, and somewhat creepy, blog. I didn't feel like making it funny) Yeah, at least for today and Sunday and maybe Monday I'm back. I was grounded for my report card.

Ok my year grades:

Symphonic Band- B+

Computer Graphic 1- A

Health- C

Blobal History/Geo 2H- B

English 10R- B

P.E. Block 2- C+

Earth ScienceH- C+

Math A Sem 3 H- B

Math B Sem 1 H- B

LOTE Spanish 2- B+ 

I didn't do my QAs for Health and English, so I got Fs for those classes for the 4th Quarter.

Anyway, I'm back for the next few days. Woohoo! Yay! Razzle-frazzle! What's been going on while I was away?

Last Blog

To whomever this may concern-

     I, Kyle a.k.a. komodo19, am leaving TV.com until further notice. Do not comment on this blog, for I will not read it. *Do not PM me or anything of the sort*. I will not state my reasons. Farewell.


                                 Kyle a.k.a. komodo19

*Karatewolfpunk, you can still send me your short story by PM or my yahoo account. It is bacrazeta@yahoo.com