@gaming_paradox @kookitto We'll see. I just want them to address the issue. I'm speaking from experience. During the outage, accounts from those countries couldn't reset their passwords and got screwed. Sony didn't even address the issue.
@thorn3000 @kookitto It's not a matter of online pass in the PS4, you need the account itself to be a PSN+ account and you can't do that. Unless you ditch your original local account and start using a fake one, which is according to them, illegal.
@gaming_paradox @kookitto I highly doubt they'll even address it. They'll sell the console and make money then tell the buyers to go **** themsleves like they did when we couldn't get our accounts back in the outage.
@gaming_paradox @SirPRYse713 @kookitto @DeathCrusher91 The region is not the issue. I can play any game just fine, and even play online on PSN. But I can't buy DLC or PS plus.
@alien33 @kookitto They can let us have PS plus without going to a store, or let us change location to US so we can at least keep our current accounts.
kookitto's comments