Well I haven't had very many questions lately:(, so I thought I would go ahead and post the answers to the ones I got now.
where did koolkido come from?:Well when I was about 10 I made my first email account with the name koolkido93,and I thought,why not be crazy and use that name for this account:P:D.
Umm lets see here.....
If you could have any super power what would it be?:I would have to say super strength:D.
Would you rather be able to fly or be able to live underwater?:FLY no doubt about it:D.
If you could be an anime character who would you be and why?:I would say Naruto uzumaki,because he is really strong, has awesome friends and has the heart of a hero:D(corny):P
Favorite video game?:Hmm....That's a hard one to answer because their are so many awesome games out there,but for right now I would say Naruto ultimate ninja3 :D.
Do u like pie ?:Sure do,Apple yum yum:P.
What kind of music u like?Country and rock!:D.
How many fingers am i holding?Umm 3? :P.
Favorite type of food?:American:D.
what kind of blood do you have?:Not sure:P.
like monkeys or chickens?Chickens,They are Delicious:lol:
how do you get on gs?Laptop:D.
i track you or you track me??.....and...emm.........errr...like coconuts?:I think I tracked you:P. :NO WAY Coconuts are NASTY:P
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