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Ryan Davis has resigned.

Yes, according to Kotaku, Ricardo Torres has confirmed that Ryan Davis has handed in his resignation. I don't even have words right now. I just thought you should know if you hadn't already seen it.

I'll edit this when I can collect some thoughts together.


Heavy Rain first look: The Face

Here is a short, and new tech demo of Heavy Rain for the PS3:


I set it to Sinatra's Angel Eyes...creepy...

Take notice of the way the eyes move. The way they dart and twitch. I dare say that not a soul alive could tell that those eye's were not human if you weren't privied to the knowledge already.

The video is more of a recruitment flick then anything else. Quantic Dream seams to be saying "You know that crap you're working on? It doesn't look half as good as this. Come work for us!" Hell if I was a game programmer I'd jump at the chance, but sadly my coding skills are limited to a "Hello World" app I build in java.

Still though dam...I'd move to France to work for them If I got a chance at seeing this game early.

Baguettes and wine for all.


Punishing you for something they did is not the best couse of action.

I apologize.

I've been taking from this community and not giving back. I read your blogs and watch your videos and have submitted nothing in return except form some random comments here and there. I won't make any excuses; I was wrong. I was wrong to be so selfish. In my haste I never really thought about who I should have been angry at in the first place. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on the community, it should have been directed at C|Net.

As of now all game related postings will be mirrored. It's unfair of me to ask you to visit some external site for the content I produce. Just because I want some of it housed on a neutral space doesn't mean it can't also be here. My other site will still be around, and will still contain blog postings that I believe do not fit with GS' type or attitude.

I was being selfish.

I realise this.

I'm sorry.


My tin foil hat just got a little more shinier, or Jeff Watch '08.

Yesterday we discussed the possibility of Jeff collaborating with Gamespot founder Vince Broady (who recently departed yahoo) on a new web space. Today I bring you even more fuel for the fire. IGN has started a new podcast that aims to get the leading game related people in one place for the purpose of a mega talent show. The podcast features: Dan Hsu the EIC of EGM, Francesca Reyes the EIC of OXM, Jeff Gerstmann former EIC of Gamespot, Will Tuttle Gamespy's console division EIC and Jeremy Dunham who is IGN's game editoral manager. It is a good show that was highlighted by the groups ability to know literary everything about video games. If you have not listened to it you should spend an hour treating your ears.


The most interesting portion of the podcast comes at the end where Jeremy Dunham asked Jeff what his plans are for the future. The following is a verbatim transcript of that discussion.

Jeremy: I know everybody wants to know what are you doing next...what's going on?

Jeff: I'm currently talking to some old friends and we're going to see what comes outta that.

Jeff: ...but nothing ready to announce just yet

Jeff: ...but if you want to stay current with me and know what I'm doing when we are ready to start talking jeffgerstmann.net


The plot yet again thickens. "Old friends" could be anybody, but I'm willing to bet Jeff is speaking about 1 or 2 people; specifically Alex and Vince. Alex stated on the Hotspot last night that he won't be going away, and that we will see him around. If you put all these pieces together it seams to fit the mold of what this current rumor is all about.

Suddenly this rumor has not only legs, but a full grown torso.

Back and to the left.


BREAKING NEWS!!! Heath Ledger dead at 28.

According to the Associated Press Heath Ledger, star of the upcoming movie "The Dark Knight", was found dead in his apartment. It's yet another sad day in Hollywood.

Apparently "The Dark Knight" had completed shooting and is in post so his death will not affect the movie.

At 3:31 p.m., a masseuse arrived at Apartment 5A of 421 Broome Street in SoHo for an appointment with Ledger, the police said. The masseuse was let in to the home by a housekeeper, who then knocked on the door of Ledger's bedroom. When no one answered, the housekeeper and the masseuse opened the bedroom and found Ledger unresponsive. They shook him, but he did not respond. They immediately called the authorities. The police said they did not suspect foul play and said they found pills near his body

The NYPD has officially stated that the pills found next to and around his body were sleeping pills. It is unclear at this time whether or not his death was suicide or an accidental overdose.

More info as it becomes available.....


Gerstmann to open his own site with Gamespot founder Vince Broady?

While 99.9% of the details contained with in Sam "capnsmak" Kennedy's latest blog post titled "Gamespot's Sad State of Affairs" are common knowledge, there was a very interesting tidbit included. Specifically Sam made reference to a rumor that Jeff Gerstmann and Gamespot founder Vince Broady are collaborating on a new video gaming website to "take on Gamespot". Perhaps Alex knows something we don't (besides how to write excellently and play drums), and his leaving was in anticipation of this new project getting off the ground.

Although it is only a rumor right now I am inclined to belive it. Gerstmann and Navaro were arguably (still is for Alex untill the 24th) Gamespot's most respected and popular editors. Combine their writing skills with Vince Broady's talent on the business side of things and you have the makings of a new Internet juggernaut. Also buried in Sam's article is a remark about an influx of resumes from Gamespot staff. With Gamespot editors attempting to jump ship it would only be natural that some of these departing employees would drop a resume by the offices of Gerstmann and company. The tin foil hat wearer in me predicts a mass exodus of Gamespot talent for a much more respected site.

If this rumor does materialize in to a new web space said site would need to have certain elements nailed down in order to be a success story. First it would need forums, which means coders, and mods. Second a news side would need to be formed, and news should be at a higher priority then it is here at Gamespot. Thirdly a partnership between some video content streaming site would need to be formed. Lastly the editorial staff could use some bulking up. As enthusiastic as Navaro and Gerstmann are about the gaming industry they are not preview writers or game guide creators.

If said site does come to fruition we can also look forward to the GS community leaving in droves.


Help us. It's still alive. +Vlog

So I went to see Cloverfeild and it was OK. It's a total popcorn flick. The movie has been reviewed by many so I'll spare you, but I'd rate it at a 7.5. Not the best thing ever made, but not 100% crap either. You'll immediately draw a comparison between Cloverfeild and The Blair Witch Project, but the similarities start and end on the first person camera angle. One of the most interesting parts about seeing the movie was watching people walk out complaining about getting sick over the first person view/hand-cam style. I guess as a gamer I've grown immune to seeing things in first person even if the camera is shaking uncontrollably. Something thing I did catch is that the character in the movie that is "filming" what is going on is named Hud, or Heads Up Display. I thought that was a nice touch.

On to gaming. Here's the vlog as promised:


Since I got the game I've noticed that I have started picking out drumming portions of songs now. I can hear the different beats much better than ever before. I'm thinking about creating a drum tips video from all the stuff I have learned in my research and practice. Let me know if that's something you'd want to see.



Cutting ties.

Xbox 360 != Owned by me.

Xbox 360 = Returned

After 3 trips to the local Wal-mat and 2 calls to the district manager I secured the return of my broken 360. It's sad that it had to come to this. Had I used the machine for more than 22 days before it crapped out on me I might have had a desire to keep it, but it didn't and I don't. I'm all for letting companies fix their mistakes, but a call to Microsoft informed me that due to current overload in the repair department I would be with out the unit for over 2 months with no compensation for time lost. That is unacceptable. It baffles me how these clearly design flawed units are till on the market. Even after extending the warranty for that particular issue with units so many of you are having other problems. Faulty disc drives, broken hard drives, the stories seam to never to end. These problems are not something that I wish to deal with. I don't need this worry and stress in my life. It' was fun while it lasted, but not fun enough to worry every time the unit was turned on.


In other news:


Last night I attended the single best concert I have ever witnessed. It began with a 30 minute set by Against Me. They were OK. Not necessarily what I would listen to on a regular basis, but decent enough to open a show. More Punk than Rock, but new Punk not old-school. After their set Jimmy Eat World took the stage. Their 40 minute set was a mix of popular songs such as "In the Middle" and "Salt Sweat Sugar". All in all a good performance save for the atrocious lighting used which seamed to be implemented strictly to blind the audience.

At exactly 10pm Foo Fighters took the stage to a nearly sold out Bank Atlantic Center. Opening with a rousing rendition of "The Pretender" followed by "Road to Ruin" and others from their new CD . After thirty minutes Dave Grohl picked up an acoustic guitar and walked the entire legnth of the stage's 100 foot catwalk to the center of the arena where a second stage descended from the rafters. Here on this second stage we were treated to all acoustic versions of "Skin and Bones", "Everlong", and the absolute highlight of the show "My Hero". Imagine if you will 14,000 people singing....no...screaming the lyrics to My Hero all the while being encouraged on by Grohl to be ever louder.

After the thirty minute acoustic set the band ran full steam back to the starting stage to pound out another 30 minutes of hard rock favorites from the band's entire collection including "Monkey Wrench". Once the "final" song was sung the band exited stage left. A minute later the stage's video screen sprang to life displaying images of the band back stage smoking cigarettes through their noses while drinking beer. Quite funny. The encore was another 30 minutes of awesome with "Big Me" and others followed by a ground shaking closer of "Best of you".

Two hours. Two hours of the most solid rock performance I have ever seen. Everything was spot on and the band energy was immense. It was the opening show of the tour, so I'm not sure if they could produce a 2 hour set nightly, but regardless if you are any kind of Foo Fighters fan you absolutely must go see this concert.


I know I promised a vlog, but my voice is completely shot. I am a gigantic Foo Fighters fan, and when Grohl told the audience to sing as loud as they could I took it as a personal challenge.

I did however buy something game related with the return money, and as soon as I find my voice again I will debut it.

Until then, thanks for reading.
