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Red ringed in 22 days. A new record?

12.26.07 was the day of purchase. Hurriedly I drove home from the store to enter the next-gen of gaming. Salivating at the titillating action available in the world of Xbox 360. Orange Box, Bioshock and Mass Effect were the games I pined to play. Powered though every one, all the while cautious to not leave the system on unnecessarily. Playing time was limited to 4 hours at a time; ever fearful of the rings tainted red. Alas, it was not to be for in exactly 22 days later my system died.

22 days....

22 MOTH@$% F@#%@ DAYS.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My PS2 is over 6 years old and it still functions like day one. Never, ever, ever will I buy another XBOX. Never, ever, ever will I purchase a Microsoft system. F@#) you M$.

F@#$ you indeed.

Vlog going up later, as words are not a viable medium for my disgust and anger.



The worst new show on T.V.

The Terminator movies are some of the best Si-Fi action flicks available on the market. Well, at-least the first two were. The third basically ruined the series with a horrible plot, so it should come as no surprise that Fox has decided to run the series even further in to the ground with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Lets examine the actor(tress) choices.

Lena Headey as Sarah Conner:

In a word: Inadequate.

Lena is a decent enough actress, but does not have the range to play Sarah Conner. She was a poor, poor choice for this series as Sarah Connor is supposed to be a buff take no s*** woman, and Lena looks fragile and unimposing.


Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor:

Take everything I said about Lena and do a 180 degree turn and you get Linda. Firstly, check out her left arm. Notice all that muscle? This woman works out, and a lot at that. Ms. Hamilton is the embodiment of tough as nails. There will never be another actress to step in the role of Sarah Conner that will fill her shoes.


Thomas Dekker as John Connor:

Thomas was a bit player in the first season of Heroes. He didn't do a bad job as "the kid next door" on that show, but the same character seams to have found his was on to Fox with this series. I understand that this is set after the movies time-line wise, but Thomas seams very flippant about almost being murdered on his first day in school. Overall not horrible, yet lacking.


Edward Furlong as John Connor:

The word perfection comes to mind when thinking about Edward in Terminator 2. Mr. Furlong played the part of John exceptionally well. A highly believable miscreant thrown into an impossible situation of acting opposite of Arnie. Nothing but positive things can be said about this performance; nothing at all.


Summer Glau as Cameron a.k.a. Terminator:

Finally we come to the worst part about the show, other than the horrible script. Summer has bounced around from show to show, and now lands her-self in the worst possible role in television history. Her performance as a Terminator is laughable at best. When she delivered the famous "come with me if you want to live" line I threw-up in my mouth a little. She is the tiniest girl I have ever seen, and to see her throw around men 3 times her size is the epitome of stupidity. Every "action scene" she is thrown in to further cements her as the worst Terminator ever. Hell even the lady who played a Terminator in the 3rd movie was more convincing, and that's not saying much. It seams that Fox has brought her on the show solely because of her breast, as no less then three times during the pilot did we see her "half boob".


Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator:

Arnold was born to play this character. He's a huge behemoth that you can actually believe is a robot from the future because of his size, and the coldness of his acting. Never displaying any emotion as he hunted down Sarah, or protected John. The roughness he used when protecting John via constantly grabbing him by the jacket and throwing him towards safety highlights his "ones and zeros" attitude. Quite simply, no other actor can capture this role and make it their own. They will always be looked upon as Arnold's replacement.


The plot centers around the three taking a time warp to the year 2007(from 1999) on a mission to attack and destroy Skynet. It's a generic story told in the Terminator universe that relies heavily on people already knowing a lot about the Terminator lore, and the plot lines involved. Nothing is really explained about who these people are and why we should care. Luckily for me I do know a metric butt-load about the series, but for anyone new it would be rather difficult to jump right in.

My Prediction: 4 shows then canned.

Besides, there is a far better Terminator series project that is in the works, and this one has (gasp!) a good actor attached.


Multiple Endings: A gaming crutch.

Since the early days of video gaming writers have used the interactive medium as a flagship for multiple endings. Usually these story mechanics show themselves half-way though a title with one arbitrary choice deciding which ending you will receive. These ending affecting choices are for the most part black and white, and for all intents and purposes spell out exactly what ending you will get to watch. A simple "save or not" or "kill or let live" choice is an example of this decision practice.

Quite possibly the first instance of a multiple endings in a game is 1986's Bubble Bobble. Different endings were derived depending on how many characters survived to the end. If you beat the game with only one player you get an ending that the game calls "Not the true ending". In order to get the "True Ending" you must beat the game twice with a friend. The actual differences in the endings are minuet. Beating the game with a single player nets you both of the dino girls that have been kidnapped, while a two player run though grants both of the dinos a lady. Surly this game design decision was implemented to extract more quarters out of arcade attendees, but as we all know arcades are dead. There is no instant incentive for the game developer to produce multiple endings for money's sake, so why do they all do it?

Perhaps multiple endings are for marketing. Company "A" can tout that their game has "over 100 hours of game-play". A number resulting from adding up all the play-throughs needed to get every ending possible. Sure 100 hours looks like a long time from the outside, but if you are breaking that up in to five 20 hour chunks the perceived value dwindles. Maybe it's us the gamers. Are we unwilling to buy an RPG with out multiple endings, or a survival horror with a scant one outcome? While these theories are each valid in some form a more convincing conclusion is that video game companies are trapped with-in a design prison of their own making.

Since the inception of our Bubble Bobble friends Bub and Bob game companies have been geared toward the road of many paths. For every game supplying one ending, there are six others with endings so ADD a 10 year old Ritalin junkie would have trouble following them. Each one of these multiple ending titles has a plot deciding action. Did you shoot that monkey? Was the evil prince's life spared? Did you press the buttons fast enough? These are the deciding factors in your electronic tale. And much like the Choose Your Own Adventure books, 4 out of the 5 available endings are garbage.

One of the main problems with having multiple endings is deciding what is canon. Canon is simply defined as the accepted truth out of all possible outcomes. A gaming scenario that can easliy describe this is the original Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation 1. The two available endings see either Meryl dieing, or escaping with Snake. But wait! Even casual observers of the MGS series know that Meryl is in the fourth installment, so how is she alive if she died? Well here is where canon comes into play. In MGS 2 it is confirmed that the ending where Meryl escaped is the correct ending story wise. This completely invalidates the second ending, which some believe (myself included) is much better. Over the course of a series with multiple endings it becomes very difficult to ascertain what is canon, and what is not.

In my eyes it would be perfectly acceptable for a game to have alternate endings if the same amount of attention was paid to each. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the gaming world today. For the most part games use the "Good Ending" and "Bad Ending" scenarios. The good endings are just that; a nice wrap-up of the events that took place followed by a bit of story and hope for the future. All in all a great way to close the cover on a good game. The bad endings however are where my ire lies. Bad endings fall in to two categories. They can either be just as well thought out as the good ending, or more commonly a short meshed together mess of what was going to happen in the good ending but didn't. It's these superfluous sub-par endings that spoil the whole idea of multiple endings, as not many are willing to play though an entire game just to see a short unsatisfying finish.

So I pose this question to you the gaming public:

Would you rather play a game with one amazing ending, or a game with 3 decent endings?

Ending 1:

Choice: Pressing X as fast as possible during the torture scene of Metal Gear Solid 1 was the pinnacle of my gaming world.

[spoiler] You walk off into the distance toward the mall on the horizon; there are many games with many different endings in your future. [/spoiler]

Ending 2:

Choice: Accepting to be the G-Man's puppet was a forgone conclusion.

[spoiler] You casually stroll down the laid brick path towards Gamestop, knowing exactly the outcome of your game buying options. [/spoiler]

Ending 3:

Choice: Little sisters are for Adam and saving.

[spoiler] You blissfully run to the KB toy store picking up a title. All the while not caring about possible endings, but focusing on playing the game. [/spoiler]


Massively hard to just shoot a dude in the face.

So this week I've decided to play Mass Effect. I'm no stranger to RPGs, but this is the first I have played on the 360. I picked it up based off mostly user recommendations, so thanks Gamespot community for pointing me in the direction of a unique experience.

First Impression:

Pro: Beautifully created environments and character models serve as highlights for the brilliant voice acting of an in-depth story.

Con: Unsatisfiably steep combat learning curve unaided by tutorials and hindered by poor control schemes.


At about 7 hours in my Shepard is level 20 having just completed the first two missions sending you outside of the first galaxy. The Si-Fi aspect is done up well and is a welcomed departure from the "fantasy worlds" that 95% of all RPGs inhabit. Also, the fact that I have played over 7 hours of a Si-Fi related title and haven't yet to see one Lightsaber makes me extremely happy. There may be numerous similarities to Mass Effect and Star Wars (insert title here) but atleast they had enough since to not make it a complete rip-off. Thirdly, can we please keep all Lightsaber shenanigans in Star Wars games? I know it's a lot to ask, but if you really want to play a Star Wars game I'm sure that Bioware can assist.

My brain has been mush latly. I can seem to put finger to board. The last paragrph was about as much as I could muster with out attempting to break the writing device in a million pecies. So instead of forcing something that just isn't happening, I will share my pre-blog notes.

Mass Effect = Needs better face shooting

Orange Box = Completed

Orange Box video review = 40%

Bioshock Review = 1 paragraph

Writing = Blocked

Words are excrutiang shards of glass puncturing the soles of my feet as I stumble down the road of pain.

See? Driblble, and nothing but!

Watch as I crumble.....



Poop joke.


As seen on On the Spot.

It seams those interesting things did happen! The video I made "Why We Gamespot" was on On the Spot today! I had to reedit the song, as the original version had licenced music. I did however tackle this problem by using a song by a fellow Gamespot user, Jervo. Here is the completed 2nd version with Jervo's song "Sleeping City".


On the subject of videos, today I spent around a hour splicing cables and "Ta Da" I can now capture Xbox 360 footage. Look for 360 footage to peper this page from here until the inevitable RROD.

Gamefly so kindly delivered The Orange box yesterday and I've done nothing but play portal. Portal for the Xbox 360 is a great little game, but not worth the entirety of the 60 dollar orange box price. Well worth the 19.99 though steam though. I've gone though the game twice now. Once on normal, and once with director's commentary. Adding In the commentary was a stroke of genius, more games need to do this.

Now that Orange box is in my hands I can revive a project that I started along time ago. I am planning on doing a mega review of every game in the Orange Box. A review to end all reviews. A 10 minute explosion extravaganza. Since Half-life 2 and episodes 1 & 2 are the same game they will be pushed together in the first 3 minutes. Portal will occupy the space from 3:00 to 6:00 and finally Team Fortress 2. Add in a 1 minute wrap up for good measure

All this coming soon to a blog near you.....


Metal Gear Solid on Xbox 360 confirmed?

According to Kotaku, XboxFamily received word directly from Konami that not only is MGS4 coming to the 360, but work started on the 360 version earlier this year.

Is last year's biggest rumor shaping up to be this year's biggest story? Indeed, but no one can say they didn't expect this to happen. Konami has always shipped non-Sony platform Metal Gear Solid games. The ports would come out around a year later in varying degrees of quality. With work already started on the project it seams that Konami has a head start with the port. Going by the rumor, the Xbox 360 version is slated to be released 12-14 months after the PS3 edition. If EB is accurate on the release date that puts MGS4 in your 360 some time near Q3 of '09.

Even though it is a rumor I am inclined to believe it. The time frames all sound reasonable, although anyone with industry knowledge could have made them up. The source seams pretty confident about the leak, but then again all rumor starters sound like the know what they're talking about, otherwise no on would listen.

In my eyes if this gets confirmed Sony's PS3 dies. Dead in the water, and with no life preservers left it sinks to the bottom of an endless ocean comprised of video gamer's tears. Downward it plummets toward the abyss. Slowly a light shines in the darkness; small at first, but ever growing. Soon this light starts to take shape, as it forms in to a monitor. While the PS3 descends the monitor is brought to life. Displayed on it's screen are the images of it's failure. Of exuberant price points, and exclusives lost it watches as it implodes.

Also, I contend that the 360 version would sell more. First, the installed base is much higher, and second it's a shooter. You know who likes shooters? Xbox 360 owners, that's who. Just take a look at the top 360 games.

Two spots games, two rythem games, and 5 shooters. The PS3 only has 4 shooters.

One could say that this is due to the fact that there are more shooters released on the Xbox 360, but then you would be making my point for me.

Finally, my reason behind this posting is not to incite a system wars debate. If anything lets debate how long it will be until we see the PS4 or the Xbox 540.


Happy New Year Gamespot!

Goodbye '07 we thought you were video gaming heaven.

Hello '08, your first quarter looks great!

I've completed Bioshock twice now and loved the entire ride save for the endings. They just seamed like after thoughts. I'm reviewing it, like everyone else in the world, so if you want to read the review it will be posted soon.

Interesting things could be happening really soon regarding some editing I have been doing lately. I spent around 4 hours today editing a video that just might see the light of day. Where it sees this light? Sadly it's a secret for now. I'd rather not play my hand just yet as I'm not 100% sure it is going to happen.

Unfortunately for now I'll have to hold my hand close to my chest.

To everyone I've met this year, and all those I've yet to meet, I truly hope this New Year brings you nothing but joy and happyness.

Live, Love, and Video Games.


My anticipation was not in vain.


I'm....I'm actually playing Bioshock! I've got...some achievements! I'm happy!!! Add me to your friends list!!!!

So the list of games I need to play is as followed:


Orange Box

Assassin's Creed


Ace Combat 6


Sadly every single Pro and Elite were sold out at the 5 different Wal-marts I went to. So I picked up an Arcade version until the better versions become available. Wal-mart was unfortunately my only choice in shopping as well over half of the price was on a giftcard. I'm still not entirely sure of the difference between the two different skus save for the Arcade's not having a hard drive. Not having that drive really blows because I can't download the burnout demo. Hopefully xbox 360 stock will replenish in the coming days.

My initial impression is that Bioshock is very, very similar to System Shock 2. The graphics are amazing, but it goes much, much deeper than that. The voice-over log books are great just as they where in SS2. I haven't encountered a Big daddy yet as I only had enough energy to stay up 1 hour last night so I could play. My stress over this purchase had me waking up at 3am yesterday, and with an out of town trip and many hours of driving we returned home at 1am. By 2am the system was set up and I played till 3:10, thus completing my 24 hour stint. It was all worth it; every last second.

Hoping to see your guys and gals online as soon as the better units become available!

In the meantime...

Rapture calls.


The hardest decision a gamer must make.

Rock Band or a Xbox 360?

As I sit here my gut wrenches. See, for a while now I have been saving up some zenny for a new game system. Now, after scrimping and saving, I find my self with a very challenging choice. Do I get Rock Band for the PS2, or a Xbox 360? List time!



It's an Xbox 360


Assassin's Creed

Orange Box

Mass Effect



It's not Rock Band.

I miss out on a cool experience.

Not enough money to buy a game as well, so I must rent until zenny becomes available.

My girlfriend might hit me....hard.


You hear that? It was my stomach. It hasn't stayed quiet since I learned of the extra cash which could possibly land me a new console. After discussing the decision with the GF it went into overdrive. She really wants to play Rock Band. Lately she had a lot of fun playing Guitar Hero at home, and Rock Band (drums) in a store. The guilt trip trap was sprung before I even knew it was laid. Left and right I was assaulted with "you don't need another game system, you already have one!" and "I always wanted to play drums!". My efforts to explain the difference between a PS2 and the Xbox 360 fell on deaf ears.

Recently she acquired a DS, which she plays religiously. Her Brain Age is a 20, and she rocket speeds most challenges. She has taken over New Super Mario brothers and beats me constantly at the mini-games included. That is where I see her gaming from now until eternity, as the games are low on time involvement and high on portability.

Perhaps the DS was on her mind when the television was turned off tonight, and sleep was eminent. The words "It's OK if you get an Xbox 360" uttered from her mouth. Although, the words were not with out a slight tinge of disappointment.

I shall have to promise big things if I take the road that leads away from rock.

Big things indeed.


The pinnacle of 1990's television returns.

Two words:

American Gladiators.

If you know not of what I speak, please depart this blog hastily, for the next words will be a tribute to the single best game show ever invented.

The year was 1989, a young boy sat in front of his television set for what was sure to be a life altering broadcast. Late on the evening of September 16 this juvenile boy watched in awe as seemingly normal men a women challenged the gods.

As a boy this author was quite impressionable, and the American Gladiators left a large impression. The real beauty of the show wasn't the gladiators them-self's. No, the true genius was that any "John Doe" could take on these beast of man-kind in games of speed and skill. There were certain events where the gladiator's overpowering strength gave them a distinct advantage, but most of the events attempted to level the playing field enough so that the challenger's weight disadvantage was minimized.

Take the ever popular hamster ball game dubbed Atlusphere for instance. Overbearing strength was a non factor in this game. What truly affected a challenger's individual success was speed; something that most gladiator's lacked. Even the mono a mono bouts of Joust, while seemingly all about power, was more about finesse. Many a gladiator where toppled with quick dodging and jabbing routines. Their rippling muscles where a force to be reckoned with if blows connected, but if not, gladiators could fast become off balance due to over swinging. Perhaps the best example of the speed over power games was Assault. Assault pitted a challenger against a platform risen, tennis ball gun firing gladiator. The contestants goal was to hit a target above the gladiator with a projectile weapon. The challenger would scamper from cover to cover, ever advancing toward better and more accurate weapons until he or she hit their target, or was pegged by a tennis ball. Speed and accuracy where kings of this game.

Sure there were the events that stacked the odds for the gladiators. Events like Breakthrough & Conquer which combined football and greco roman wrestling were undoubtedly there to show you how powerful the men and women gladiators where. But for every strength heavy event like Powerball there was a finesse game like Hang Tough. The way this balance was stricken truly made the home viewer feel like even they could step in to this game. The balance allowed growing children to dream of defeating Laser and Tower.

This early ninety's phenomenon leaked out into the video game world as well. There were NES and SNES games released with the likenesses of the Gladiatorian events. Both games where lackluster in exection, but still contained the events that made the show a success.

January 6th, 2008 will usher in a new era of American Gladiators. Along with the new hosts Hulk Hogan and Laila Ali come new events such as Hit & Run and Earthquake. This revival of the best game show to ever grace television has enthused me with cautious optimism. Perhaps if the show is a rousing success a new video game could come to fruition. Imagine if you will a HD version of Joust and Atlusphere. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

Hopefully the new cast can recapture a moment in time that seamed all but lost.
