The Terminator movies are some of the best Si-Fi action flicks available on the market. Well, at-least the first two were. The third basically ruined the series with a horrible plot, so it should come as no surprise that Fox has decided to run the series even further in to the ground with Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Lets examine the actor(tress) choices.
Lena Headey as Sarah Conner:
In a word: Inadequate.
Lena is a decent enough actress, but does not have the range to play Sarah Conner. She was a poor, poor choice for this series as Sarah Connor is supposed to be a buff take no s*** woman, and Lena looks fragile and unimposing.
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor:
Take everything I said about Lena and do a 180 degree turn and you get Linda. Firstly, check out her left arm. Notice all that muscle? This woman works out, and a lot at that. Ms. Hamilton is the embodiment of tough as nails. There will never be another actress to step in the role of Sarah Conner that will fill her shoes.
Thomas Dekker as John Connor:
Thomas was a bit player in the first season of Heroes. He didn't do a bad job as "the kid next door" on that show, but the same character seams to have found his was on to Fox with this series. I understand that this is set after the movies time-line wise, but Thomas seams very flippant about almost being murdered on his first day in school. Overall not horrible, yet lacking.
Edward Furlong as John Connor:

The word perfection comes to mind when thinking about Edward in Terminator 2. Mr. Furlong played the part of John exceptionally well. A highly believable miscreant thrown into an impossible situation of acting opposite of Arnie. Nothing but positive things can be said about this performance; nothing at all.
Summer Glau as Cameron a.k.a. Terminator:

Finally we come to the worst part about the show, other than the horrible script. Summer has bounced around from show to show, and now lands her-self in the worst possible role in television history. Her performance as a Terminator is laughable at best. When she delivered the famous "come with me if you want to live" line I threw-up in my mouth a little. She is the tiniest girl I have ever seen, and to see her throw around men 3 times her size is the epitome of stupidity. Every "action scene" she is thrown in to further cements her as the worst Terminator ever. Hell even the lady who played a Terminator in the 3rd movie was more convincing, and that's not saying much. It seams that Fox has brought her on the show solely because of her breast, as no less then three times during the pilot did we see her "half boob".
Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator:

Arnold was born to play this character. He's a huge behemoth that you can actually believe is a robot from the future because of his size, and the coldness of his acting. Never displaying any emotion as he hunted down Sarah, or protected John. The roughness he used when protecting John via constantly grabbing him by the jacket and throwing him towards safety highlights his "ones and zeros" attitude. Quite simply, no other actor can capture this role and make it their own. They will always be looked upon as Arnold's replacement.
The plot centers around the three taking a time warp to the year 2007(from 1999) on a mission to attack and destroy Skynet. It's a generic story told in the Terminator universe that relies heavily on people already knowing a lot about the Terminator lore, and the plot lines involved. Nothing is really explained about who these people are and why we should care. Luckily for me I do know a metric butt-load about the series, but for anyone new it would be rather difficult to jump right in.
My Prediction: 4 shows then canned.
Besides, there is a far better Terminator series project that is in the works, and this one has (gasp!) a good actor attached.
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