I actually found the following text in a gamespy forum so I will not pretend to take credit for it. I just felt that it summarises why Xbox Live on the Xbox 360 is the biggest revolution that is about to hit the next generation and why I am defecting from the PlayStation brand to go and join the Xbox clans on the 360. I've slightly amended one or two minor posts to clear up the context in which it was written but it is all him, minor alterations apart: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "One thing I think hasn't been addressed sufficiently is the fact that 'online' doesn't necessarily have to just mean 'fragging or racing your friends' - that integration of downloadable demos, leaderboards, and add-ons makes the whole experience a lot more fun as well and is just as important. I don't want to sound like a Microsoft partisan here, but I just can't help myself blabbing about how the Xbox 360 gets it right. Sure, online PLAY on Xbox Live is simply phenomenal but the 360's online integration component is the real killer app of the console. I love being able to download the top PGR3 racer's replays and see how they school the rest of us. I dig competing with my friends to see who can unlock the most achievements and playing through a game a second (or third!) time to jack up my Gamerscore. I'm grateful to be able to stick in an audio CD and have the unit go out and find the album title and track names so I can rip it to the hard drive. I'm incredibly happy to be able to buy the Arcade games and spend hours going back to the simpler days. I like seeing movie trailers and music videos for free in high definition. I love it that I can download new multiplayer maps, campaign levels, skins, pictures, episodes, etc that add more longevity to my games. I love it that I can stream live content from a Windows Media PC, such as photos, music, videos and TV shows. I love the fact that every player is rated eBay-style, so I can see which jerks I should avoid at all costs With any video game console, it's most important to emphasize "The play is the thing"... but the play doesn't have to be the ONLY thing, and that's what I think is exciting about the next gen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that you'll all agree that that mans post says it all. I have a wireless network in my house that I juts setup. There is no way that I'll be getting a PlayStation 3 now. Xbox 360 all the way for me!The_Streets
Thankyou for making me be 110% that i will buy a 360! Great post.
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