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kramer_inc Blog

Bioshock 2

So I just finished my first play Thur of Bioshock 2. I enjoyed it as much as the first one. A very enjoyable game. I plan on playing Thur again to get all the achievements that I can without on-line play. I hope the come out with another as this is one of my favorite series of all time. Well I have allot of favorites -Gears of War, God of War, Resistance Series, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted. I just enjoy gaming PS3 & 360. :D


Just want to say hello to all my on line friends. I have been in Africa for the past 10 weeks working. I will be headed back soon to finish the project I have going. Not much gaming going on over where I was. Well any way just wanted to say hello again.

God of War 1 problem

So I'm at the part were you have to lower the cages of guy down then sacrifice one but the handle is missing. So I go and find the handle in the room on the floor but when I walk up to it there is no option to pick it up. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions

Uncharted 1 & 2

So I played through Uncharted 1 on normal then hard, I haven't tried crushing yet although I will soon. Now I'm playing through Uncharted 2 on normal and then I will do it on hard then crushing. I think these are two of the best games I have every played on the PlayStation being it 1,2 or 3. Great story's and graphics. I'm so enjoying the games I can't wait for them to make Uncharted 3. This could be the game series the makes the PS3.

Let me know what you think Of the series so far. Great, Good, Average or poor.


Online polls

I take part in a program it is a on line survey group that is hired to get question answered for company's. I recently took a poll comparing Xbox-live vs PSN . From the questions I would assume one of them plans big changes to their on line service. It is a cool program I've been in it for awhile I have received 3- $25 dollar gift cards for Gamestop so basically I can get a new game for free. Yeaaaaaaaaa for me :D Uncharted 2 you will be mine.

I'm not advertising for them just want to let people know.

PS3 Repaired

HoooooooRay today my new power supply showed up for my PS3. I carefully tore it down installed the new components and re-assembled it. All the lights came on and it ejected my Killzone 2 disc. I have not tried it yet but i'm hopefull everything will be fine. I will update this later after I've played it to confirm it is in working order. :D :D


Ok I've tried it out And it's working great downloading demo's . I'm so happy can't wait for Uncharted 2 and Darksiders and many others.


I love this site and enjoy coming on here a lot but lately the forums are becoming more and more hostile. I own a PS3, 360, gamecube, Nintendo 64, PS1, xbox and a Dreamcast and a Alienware gaming laptop their is things I like and dis-likes about all of them. Anymore when I'm on the forums it constant fighting. Just because someone has a different opinion the name calling starts to fly it's like a bunch of 8 yr old kids. And some people switch side at the flip of a coin. If you have a Intelligent opinion it's one thing but some of the post are stating opinions as if the are facts then get mad when they are made out to be a fool. The people knocking games they know nothing about with-out even researching isn't smart making themselves out to look like a fool. Then the people that knock a game that has been released is not wise at all, they make plenty of changes to games through out development so be smart and wait until it's released. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it a bad game everyone is different with different taste in games. I guess what I'm tying to say is drop the hostility level a little and this site will be more enjoyable for everyone.

PS3 Repair

So i figured out what happened to my Ps3. With all the storms lately power has been going on and off. Even though i have a surge protector I guess the internal power supply burned up. It doesn't come on at all so it's going back for repair. hope it doesn't take to long. I was going to buy the part off eBay and fix it myself but decided not to.:D

PS3 went down today

Well friends i just loss my PS3. I was playing killzone 2 when it shut down and will not come back on. I called sony they are sending me the shipping arrangements. I hope i don't loss all my info. My trophy's were synced up with the online. Can any one tell my how long the process take from the time I ship it till i get it back? It is the 80 gig launch model so it has been played.

Xbox Online

So i decided to set up a on-line account today. In the process i find out the all my trophy's cannot be added. Basically i have two accounts one on-line one offline and there is no way to combine them. I talk to 3 different techs they all said i have to replay all the games. What the h@## that is so stupid i cannot even imagine it. So i told them to stick-it I will keep my 360 but from now I will buy ps3 games. if any one knows how to solve my problem please let me know thank you