I doubt Sony will have us pay for online play, since they had it free on the PS3. It would be a great slap in the face to all the fans if they made us pay for online play.
@Landsharkk @kratos-lll Launching the PS4 earlier and perhaps cheaper than the next gen xbox could potentially get them the sales. Of course we don't know any details on that yet, Sony will most likely focus on software sales, and offer things such as "Ustream, cross game chat, cloud saves, and a lot more to PS plus users" If they countinue to offer free games for PS plus users, and discounts along side cross game chat, and other big features, all while keeping the online gameplay for free, Sony will make profit.
@Landsharkk That fee will most likely be Playstation plus, of course I believe Sony will keep online game play for free "Since it was on the PS3" and so if Microsoft plan on charging for online gaming next gen, even after Sony's PSN is on par with the Xbox live, than Sony will win this.
Now that Sony has got the social aspect this gen with a whole new PSN that'll rival xbox live, I believe PS4 could demolish the new xbox if they don't make good exclusives asides from halo and gears like this gen.
@piratebloke PS3 a failure? I'm sorry but the PS3 was most certainly not a failure in the eyes of the consumers based on sales, PS3 ended up outselling the 360 by 2 million units world wide. Sony will always be on top of Microsoft.
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