@aross2004: Sorry, but Ben didn't get his ass handed to him, he was smug shit journalist twisting his words and Ben put up with enough of it and decided to ended it. Look man if you believe a man can become a biological woman then fine, but I don't and now transgender families are letting their babies choose what gender they want to be or forcing it on them?? That's bat shit crazy.
@aross2004: lol Ben always backs up what he says and always puts people in their place who try to dabate him. Sorry but facts are facts and Ben always talks facts, you have nothing to back it up with but name calling very intelligent of you. I told you I know more about this than you know keep on being ignorant.
@aross2004: Lol Again you know nothing about me, I understand more than you know, so stop being ignorant and educate yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkONHNXGfaM and here's another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAsz6Yuvw3Y
@aross2004: I do understand, so don't assume that I don't, you don't know anything about me or what lve been through. It's a mental illness with one of the highest suicide rates at 40% whether they transition or not. So if one of your family members tells you the plants are talking to him and they're talking back to them are you going to say it's normal you're right the plants are talking to you, no you're not youre going to get them some help because it's not normal.
@aross2004: These people have mentel delusion and need help, I will not enable mental illness and I will not refer to you as her/she when you're a biological male. This comment came about because you said they're females and they're definitely not females.
@jenovaschilld: What are you talking about console games come in all sorts of different resolutions like 1572p, 864p, Ninja Gaiden 2 on the one X runs at 1752p at 60fps, so try again mon ami.
krazeekhujo05's comments