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Black Friday Fun

I bought plenty of gifts, the furriest, warmest hat ever and I love it.

As for games, I got Fallout 3 for $10, traded in Gears 1 and my cousin traded in Bad Company with his $10.

That was part of the trade in deal, the black friday deal was even better, Left 4 Dead for $10 off, another friend bought an RPG, I got PURE, so we have joint owneship of Fable II.


I still have like a dozen games on my list to get. For christmas, Far Cry 2 and Metroid Prime 3, 120 gig hard drive.


Fun with fake chainsaw guns.

So with my limited edition gears copy came in with my chainsaw and it's a load of fun. At first the thing didn't work at first because of NECAs ommision of the metal piece needed to complete the electrical connection and make the motor work but wow.

 It's big, heavy, and loud. The motor isn't exactly the same noise as an actual chainsaw, but it's definitely borderline close. I've scared my neighbor last night with it, getting close to his window with it and revving it when he peered outside. :D

It's awesome, despite the complainy amazon reviews it's an astonishingly easy fix (tiny piece of tin foil, or a dime) and fixes it's only problem, the clip is hard to remove, but eay to put back in and the grip feels great. There's another chainsaw coming out that's supposed to be of higher quality, but this is acceptable and doesn't have that air of "expensive shininess" to it. Plus it's less expensive.

I'm glad I went with this choice.

So many games so little time...

There are so many games to get and so little time. The next few months are looking to be a rollercoaster. Thing is, I have a job now, two hundred and a half dollars every 2 weeks. It's easy money, but there's so many games I'm looking at I really need to pick and choose what to buy and when.

Games I want (no particular order)

Fallout 3

Far Cry 2

Fable II

Left 4 Dead

Oblivion GOTY

Gears 2 (preordered)

Saints Row 2

Microsoft Points (for an assload of good arcade games I want to get)

Wii Points (again, for some of the better games I missed over the years)

Metroid Prime 3

Mario Galaxy

No More Heroes (and II)


Dead Space (obtained)

Pure (such a fun demo, and beautiful too)

NFS Most Wanted

Yoshis Island 2

MGS (the one for the Gamecube)

Eternal Darkness

And a 120 gig xbox hard drive to install games on, the only thing I'm really looking forwards to about the new dashboard update.

I didn't really think about, but now with a job and steady income I can afford all these things. It rocks to have money in your pocket.

My what a bountiful year this was for me...

I don't get many games, as a consequence of not having a job and not having transportation to get games, but on occasion when I have the means and the money, I splurge as much as possible to get thos games that i truly want.

Games I asked for in order of want (thats how i order my christmas lists)

1. Call of Duty 4

2. Orange Box

3. Mass Effect

I thought 3 was a good choice, but hey, thats usually the lucky number anyways. Unfortunately my moms a procrastinator and the games came later than they should have, also, cod4 was sold out at the time, so that was missing...but along with the other two in there, I had a surprise.

On the bottom of the box, underneath all the styrofoam pieces, were 2 copies of Assassins Creed (PS3), I was confused at first, but then figured out what must of happened:

UPS delivery place, holiday rush, a guy has an order for 2 copies of Assassins creed for PS3 for delivery, tosses them in an empty delivery box to pack it later since he's called somewhere or distracted. Another guy needs a box for my games, spots one, and dumps the chips in there without looking and covers the PS3 games. He then puts my 2 games on top along with the sheet listing the box contents, wraps it up, and puts it in for delivery. The first guy returns and can't find the box. Too late, the box is sent immediately to the next phase of delivery (because we had payed for priority shipping) and wants it out as fast as possible.

The End.

After realizing what I have, I decide to trade in both games + vision training game to gamestop for Call of Duty 4, and since I had cash leftover, I decide to pick up a used copy of Call of Duty 2, because it was on sale and I persuaded the clerk to pick a good copy :)

That makes a total of 4 games I got throughout the holidays, I have to say I am pretty pleased with this year so far. Now if only I can just get some time to play my games :P On top of that, my TVs speakers blew out, and it's got no headphone jack either.

Also, my Bioshock replacement figurine and artbook also arrived not too long ago, which was a treat since I completely forgot about it after my dad glued my other figurines arm back on. So now I have 2 Big Daddys and an art book.

I think I got a pretty good deal don't you?

Hugging: Too close when you should stay away

Oh sure, you meant to get in close for the kill, with a melee perhaps, but you never do it fast enough? Like in gears, when I have the torque bow and I stick an enemy with it, the first thing you do is roll right over and give him a hug. Is it my fault that it was an active? No, stupid, stop blaming me. It's always like this, even worse in annex.

In Halo 3, it seems like whenever I have a rocket launcher or a spartan laser you always are right behind the guy. You're impossible. I swear, it's like you're doing this on purpose just to lower my score or something, unless you're a mole for the other team. And when we're walking over to another territory, why do you insist on jumping every time i throw a plasma grenade. Honestly man you're asking for it. The same goes with the power drainer, it seems like the blueness attracts you to it, whenever I throw it you're in it, and soon dead b/c of lack of shields (and intelligence)

Please, work with me. Not against me. Don't hug, it's for the team.)

(NOTE: This is directed to every teamate I've ever had thats done these things, sorry if it's confusing sounding,but I needed to vent.)


Obviously people it's all fine and dandy and it's something new that we've all gotten used to. But I am sick of it. The very fact that it keeps popping up in games is beyond annoying. I'm not talking about advertising. I'm talking about magically regenerating health.

Halo can get away with it with its futuristic energy shields. But when historical shooters think they're being clever with the same idea, no they are not, it's stupid. No soldier can be in perfectly good health seconds after being ripped by an MG42, especially if all they had to do was hide behing a plywood crate for 5 seconds. Thats what I don't like about most newer games, this regenerating health that pervades just about every new game that comes out. Theres more of a challenge if you have a health bar, because it stays with you until you die. BioShock doesn't have regenerating health, just regenerating lives, if it did it would probably be easier than ever. But it uses the age-old health kits. And for that I adore the game, bringing back first aid to games today that would otherwise just border the screen red everytime a bullet ripped through your head.

So I wonder to myself....

Two movies are released soon, both are great movies, 300, a movie I actualy haven't seen yet, is something I wnt too see. It sounds great, looks grea, and will possibly be on the marketplace in...6 months. But I don't care about special features, I just want to watch it once.

Hot Fuzz,a movie I did see, loved, but my dad didn't see. And he should, heck yeah, he loved Shaun of the Dead

My Xbox 360 broke, my reactions were typical (ALSO BIRTHDAY)

Angry and upset.


Anyway, I called xbox customer He asked me if I stole my xbox during the process of sending me an empty packaging box. I forgot the 360 was registered under my moms name, not my dads. Cleared that up.

The box already came, and sent it to UPS the next day (today). The packaging read 3 day select. I am glad its not offing UPS ground shipping. The process would be half a month. I keep telling myself 5 more days

Also, my birthday was on the third. 16. Licensed to drive...eventually.

My presents, a silver keychain for duh eventually, a super soaker (my old one broke, and arctic shock is pretty good), rainbow six vegas, 4000 microsoft points, pokemon diamond, LOST PLANET collectors edition and $20.

Pretty cool huh?

Exclusive rant. Only for kriptonzz

I know who cares, but I don't know why? Is there some reason that loyalty should play a factor into video gaming? If they want to turn a profit then let them have a profit. Most of these games being talked about are over an average of 8.0 in terms of quality, which last I checked the ratings scale was a "good".

The devs made a good game, wouldn't they like a good profit? So what about exclusives? Usually nothing is truly ever going to be exclusive. I can possibly name a few 20 year old "exclusive" games right that are ported now if I wanted to waste more time in this post of mine.

I'm sick of games that are "exclusive". Just sick of the "exclusive label" that everyones so proud about. OOOh, I gots more exclusives at the moment than you....

If you don't like my ideas fine then. Go exclude yourself. Then everybody will love and admire you from a distance, and when you're no longer the flavor of the month and are not an  exclusive...

 You're a port, and a game like Oblivion falls into the same category as "Harry Potter: And the [magical person] spell of [mythical creature]" and spongebob squarepants.
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