I was house sitting for a friend's family for a couple of weeks. This friend's father builds computers as a hobby, and I acquired a custom PC in return for house sitting. I'm looking to sell it and get an interface for my new copy of Logic Studio, but I'm not sure how much it is worth. Could you all help me with that? (Don't try and buy it from me either, as I'm going to sell it locally.)
Some of the general specifications;
1.86 GHz Interl(R) Dual Core(TM)2 Processor
700GB SATA Hardrive
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 256MB Graphics Card
Philips DVD+RW DVD8631 DVD/CD Drive (This can laser engrave your CDs/DVDs for you)
Two PCI slots and one PCI Express slot, and Two RAM slots.
I have no idea what kind of motherboard it is, but it's made by ECS. It also has a cool black case with a clear side panel to see into the computer.
Thank's for the help! Is there any other info I could list that would help price it?
kruegersc4's forum posts
[QUOTE="bluezy"][QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"][QUOTE="Scienceblows"][QUOTE="The_Last_Ride"]ave the guy alone, so what he likes what he likes:). Both albums of Alter Bridge are my favoritesThe_Last_Ride..........:lol:
what's wrong with liking them...?Apparently criticizing opinions is cool when you're 13.yeah obviously, well i have my taste. Why criticize that? Well i don't really care, people should like what they want even if it is mainstream or not.
I think the problem people are having is that it's TOO mainstream.
[QUOTE="Poshkidney"]we might be a figment of a madmans imagnation
but how could the universe be created out of nothing there must have been some thing before the universe
This is why I think the big bang theory is invalid.
However im not a scientist so what do I know, but Im not going to go an beleive everything people tell me.
I don't think the founders of the Big Bang theory claim to know why it happened, that's just a big misconception about the theory. There's evidence THAT it happened, but no one knows why, or what was before it.
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