kruegersc4's forum posts
If you dumped a human being, a female human being, for a game.... then sir, do humanity a favour and do NOT repopulate, infact, go lock yourself in the cellar :(Karl319I agree. If you treat your kids like that, then they'll be just as bad as you.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"][QUOTE="laraza7682300"][QUOTE="Shadowlinex"]He very dead... he got gunned down on the Vegas strip. Guess how many witnesses there where.laraza7682300
Why haven't the kilers been found, then? I'll tell ya why, racist pig cops.... They didn't care so they just left the case alone... I Live in Vegas, so believe me when I tell you there is NO WAY someone gets shot on the strip and can possibly make a getaway... But that's crooked cops for ya... If it were Elvis or Bono that was shot, they'd have the killer in a week... But NOOOO, since it's Tupac they have to ignore the case... I HATE cops....
You dont think it has something to do with the fact that he caused the police nothing but trouble? Why is everything assumed to be down to racism?Ohh, because he caused a little bit of trouble that justifies the cops not investigating a MURDER CASE... Like Tupac or not, this is a HUMAN LIFE we are talking about... They don't even acknowledge it.. How do you think Tupac's mom feels that her son's killers will never be found because of crooked cops?
I think he's trying to say that he thinks that every time something happens like this to a person other than white in color, people always seem to blame it on racism. Not sure if this is true or not, but people were also complaining that Kurt Cobain was actually murdered and the cops just weren't trying hard enough, and he's white.
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