krunkmastax Blog
Profile overhaul
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Okay so its been a long time coming but....
by krunkmastax on Comments
Great news!
by krunkmastax on Comments
So my 360 died about a month ago....
by krunkmastax on Comments
Bought me a brand new ipod recently....
by krunkmastax on Comments
AND IT ROCKS! Haha I love it! Its an 80 gb model too which means I can fit tons of music movies pictures games movie trailers and any other kind of media I choose that fits my crazy whims. :P The video quality on the movies I have on it are amazing for such a small device! :o I'm astonished at how exactly Apple did this. They should be commended...its that good. I already have practically my entire music library on it and it still has tons of space left. As far as movies I have Transformers, Finding Nemo, and Monster House (which I'm currently watching as I type this :P) with many more on the way. Pirates Of The Carribean all 3 movies, The Simpsons Movie, Shrek all 3 of those too, Futurama and so much more. With ipod the possibilities literally are endless! Haha! :D
So yeah that ends my excited rant. Do any of you all have ipods? What music and movies do you have on it? And if you dont have one...Well why not? Go get one naooo! :P
Just finished paying GTA4 off not too long ago
by krunkmastax on Comments
For my 360 that is. :P Going to pick it up at my local GameStop soon at the midnight launch. I absolutely cannot wait for this game! Are any of you getting it? If so what version? And when? And lastly...WHOOHOOOO GRANDDDDD THEFTTTT AUTOOOOO FOURRRRRRR! :D
EDIT: I have it now. Yayyyy! Gonna play it soon lol
I can deny it no longer Wii WANT BRAWLLLLLL!
by krunkmastax on Comments
My gaming collection so far
by krunkmastax on Comments
Just thought I'd tell you guys I just bought some new games to add to my collection.
Already Had:
Halo 3
Dead or Alive 4
Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2
Just bought:
Need For Speed Carbon
Rumble Roses XX
Perfect Dark Zero
Lost Planet Extreme Condition
Def Jam Icon
Soon to add:
Lost Odyssey
Call Of Duty 4
Kameo Elements Of Power
Burnout Revenge
Gears Of War
Mass Effect
Grand Theft Auto 4
Ninja Gaiden 2
Soul Calibur 4
Gears Of War 2
Andd thats it. Pretty sweet line up if I do say so myself. Soooooo what do YOU guys (and girls) think? :P
I now have Xbox Live
by krunkmastax on Comments
And I have to say its one awesomely amazing service for 50 bucks a year. All the vids and demos you can download and play right there on your 360. Not to mention the movies and tv shows as well. And the stuff I get downloads in like 15 mins or less no matter the size. Of course that might be because of my connection. I can't wait to get the games that take advantage of Live like Halo 3, COD4, Burnout Paraside, and others.
My gamertag is "NappyPrettyBoi"
Add me if you have Live as well. Please? :P That is all.
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