Y'know those boss battles in an RPG that just give you goosebumps all over? The ones that make you think, "My god I love this game!"? And just leave a mark on your gaming career as battles you won't ever forget as long as you live? Well, these 10 are those battles to me, as they still make me go, "Wow" when I think about them years later.
I would've had some pics for each, but GS wasn't cooperating. >__>
10. Final Fantasy Tactics - Ramza vs. Zalbag
Late in the game in Tactics, you eventually hunt down the Temple Knights who have been harassing you over the past 2 chapters. But when you finally track down their leader Vormav, he poofs away leaving you to fight your older brother, Zalbag. In the fight it wasn't really Zalbag though, it was his body, but he had been turned into a puppet of Vormavs' so you have to kill him. You don't see too much of Zalbag in Tactics, but from what you do see you know he is a honorable man who just found out the truth a bit too late. Killing him was a hard thing to do, both in game and because it didn't feel right, duh. It is one battle I will not forget though.
9. Legend of Dragoon - Melbu Frahma
Talk about a long final boss battle, but it was still a fun one to go through. You go through numerous different forms with him and all the while you see history passing before your eyes (literally). The ancient leader of the Wingly's, whom you saw die in one of the cutscenes in game, is no pushover. Honestly, I don't remember everything about the fight, I need to replay Dragoon again as it has been years since I beat it, but I do remember how awesome it felt to finally beat Melbu Frahma...very satisfying indeed. :D
8. Final Fantasy IV - Zeromus
Another boss who comes out of freaking nowhere, yeah!!!! Besides the fact Zeromus was just kinda thrown in there at the end of IV for....whatever reason, the battle against him was still teh epicness. The scene that plays out before you fight him is one of the most memorable in an RPG and the Final Fantasy theme playing in the background would give anybody goosebumps all over. Zeromus was a toughy though, Big Bang was a devastating attack that could almost wipe out your entire party and it had poinonous after affects. Though beating him wasn't overly exciting (it was, but since he just came out of nowehere...) but the scene leading up to the fight is what made it so awesome.
7. Xenogears - Final Duel against Ramsus/Kahr
Ok, so you fight Ramsus about 3 other times besides this one throughout the course of the game, but this time he is out for Fei with all of his might. To prove that he is capable of taking Fei's place as the Contact and thus prove his existence to Miang (who regarded him as a failed experiment), Ramsus puts up one hell of a fight towards the end. Really, it was what Ramsus was fighting for that got me so into this fight. He was laying his whole existance on one final battle against Fei.
6. Final Fantasy Tactics - Wiegraf/Velius vs. Ramza
This is definitely a boss battle I won't ever forget....in both difficulty and story advancement, it was epic. Probably the toughest battle in the entire game, it starts off just Ramza and Wiegraf...who can cut your HP by a 1/3rd (most likely) with one hit from Lightning Blade and he has ranged attacks too so you can't run away easily. It takes keen preparation and the right moves to finally beat him..but once you do... You have to fight him in his Lucavi form, Velius who is a ridiculously powerful summoner. But wait..not just him, 3 other Archaic Demons are there with him! For it's shear difficulty this battle was very memorable and frustrating at the same time. :P
5. Final Fantasy IX - Final Battle against Kuja
Well...what can I say, he is my favorite Final Fantasy villain. :P Like Ramsus, Kuja was going to prove his existance by....well, destroying everything in existance. :lol: The BGM that plays during this battle is one thing that got me, I really, really, really like. Kuja overall wasn't too hard of a boss to beat, but after all he put you through during the course of the game, finally beating him was very satisfying. Though...I would have rather the game ended there and not by you fighting Necron. >__>
4. Tales of Symphonia - Final Battle against Mithos
Tingly feeling all over during this one for sure! :P After Martel rejecting him, Mithos goes even more looney than he was before and tries to end all life on your planet by taking away all the Mana! Mithos was one of those villains you sympathized with, but still wanted to kick the crap out of because of what he's put you through. He was a toughy though, he casts spells in about the matter of 2-3 seconds and VERY often. Beating him and seeing the ending to Tales of Symphonia is one of the best moments in my gaming career.
3. Xenogears - Marlute, Harlute, Metatron, Sandalphon/Sundel, and Deus
Okay...these are techinically 5 different boss battles, but they happen all in a row leading up to the final battle against Deus, so they count towards it. :wink: Though you don't have to fight Marlute, Harlute, Metatron, or Sundel, beating them makes fighting Deus A LOT easier. Each one of the four other bosses basically has a specific task to screwing up your gear and boy...do some of them do that well. Really, was these ending battles in Xenoogears just made me love the game more....so epic leading up to mankinds liberation from Deus. I believe I read up somewhere (in Perfect Works probably) Marlute, Harlute, Metatron, and Sundel are the four pillars or guardian angels of God, so it makes sense in that you'd have to fight them before Deus.
2. Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd vs. Kratos
OMG talk about goosebumpage....I love this battle, simply love it. After playing through most of Tales of Symphonia, you come to learn that Kratos is a really tough opponent. Well, facing him with just Lloyd was intimidating to say the least. He attacks hard, fast, and casts spells quickly too. All around Kratos was probably the perfect warrior in ToS. The remix of Kratos' theme that plays during the battle is awesome and makes me want to just save it before that fight and keep replaying it over and over. It is also a very emotional battle because....well, you'll just have to play Tales of Symphonia to find out. :wink:
1. Final Fantasy VII -Final Battle vs. Sephiroth
Okay...this will probably seem terribly cliche and blah compared to other fights on my list, but really who could forget this fight? After playing through VII the first time and eventually making it to this fight, you just think "I really want to kill this bastard and get this over with! FOR AERIS!!" Ok, maybe not the last couple words. :P But it still doesn't change the fact that it has one of the most memorable boss battle themes in gaming and you really feel a sense of accomplishment after you finally clip Sephy's wings..er wing. To sum it up, this is what epic boss battles are about, to me anyway. :wink:
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