The GP is finally getting why investors push AAA game companies to make a return on their investment. Kick starter and all begging sites are not setup to inform the would be investors , they are just set up to take your money. Maybe now people will start holding these money leaches up to some standards and setting goals before they get money. Kick Starter and the rest need to be re-designed , but that wont happen, too many suckers and the people that run the sites make too much money to do that. SUCKERS!
So one third party that's run by MS , complained they couldn't get dev kits, and somehow this translates to all 3rd party dev's is what you're equating to . Well no sh*t Moon Studios ins't getting a dev kit, they work for MS. Did they ask for dev kits for Nintendo's handhelds ? Nope, even though that would be where they'd make their money. Stop repeating what some sh*tty PR firm want you to.
No really they are not, and the only reason they released DX12 was because of Mantle. Another d*ck move to make sure only MS controls Win gaming. Luckily we have Vulcan which is just Mantle in Open Source, and the only reason MS is releasing any of these games on PC is because they wont recoup the money for the Xbomb version since,'s just not selling well.
MS is also trying to stir the pot and fears of gamer's about Nintendo's NX by having one of their own "Full" (teeHee) Moon Studios , criticize Nintendo over not having access to a dev kit, and spouting off about how Nintendo once again wont have third party support?! Oh dear, I'm afraid MS has underestimated the Empire....I mean Nintedo :p
MS knows once the NX comes out the Xbomb is going to run a distant third, and they are trying to sour people on the NX . Mind share is what it's called.
I'm betting that in the PC game startup this game will say: Powered by Nvidia!
Yeah , the same old sh*t Nvidia. They've been trying to bring back the good old days of games pushing video cards we really don't need , and why not, why shouldn't they help the bottom line. Unfortunately this will not help PC gaming or Nvidia's bottom line, if they try to bring this back and enough games support this fake upgrade policy, gamers will just go to consoles. PC gaming is expensive enough without having to buy the equivalent of two consoles, buying video cards that can actually play the games we want to play on PC.
Nuh, they go back to needing to upgrade CPU/GPU sh*t every 1.5 years , PC gaming is done.
Maybe the fact that every game on the market in natively developed under windows and for DirectX . Yeah it'd be great if stuff like Whine or Steam OS could actually play PC outside of Small&Limp, and hopefully that day is coming.
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