Ounce again the researchers are lost In the sauce! It's not merely about the words In the story, but the actions In the game that you yourself control, that become part of the story. In effect, a sort of "Role Play" goes on In most games, as gamers connect with the character and see them as an extension of themselves. If this did not happen, gamers would simply stop playing. So to say games don't do stories well Is too not understand the medium, or the gamers that play them and why. It also says, you yourself, have no Imagination. When you read a book, there actually Is Interaction going on between you and the story as you Imagine yourself In that story or character. you may not actually Interact as In gaming, but the effect Is the same and Is the reason fans get upset with a book when they think the author should have written it differently, because even after the story/book Is finished, the character and story are still alive In your Imagination and you begin to add too the story, or Interact with the story. So In reality all these mediums do Is fulfill the human desire to play and dream, or Imagine.
If you have an unhealthy addiction to anything, it's a manifestation of underlying problems. You can't just shoehorn gaming in as another drug and say it's the reason for someone being with-drawn or isolated. The people that take anything to unhealthy degrees usually have other issues also. I'm so sick of these stupid debates, when are people going to face the real issues these people have, instead of using vices as excuses for problems!
ktseymour's comments