Gamers Unite and stand shoulder to shoulder to cry foul against this ever encroaching Bread industry. Never mind the blind allegiance fanboyism. Its the Bread makers we should be fighting.
@TehUndeadHorror @kurnlklank @erMonezza Excuse me but he said "I'd rather have no new DMC than this piece of s***! "
If he would rather no new DMC ever again then why can't he just write it off already? I mean bitching & moaning on a review or better yet, a video of a comment section from a review you're not gonna get very far.
And way to use hyperbowl to further your cause. Good day sir.
@DevilMightCry No.... He was talking about Pc Elitists, you know, the guys that have to brag about their specs and how many fps's they're pushing like it directly correlates to the size of their slong.
kurnlklank's comments