When you pick up ninja gaiden sigma 2... In the chapter when you get to play as rachael, Zoom up to her and shake you ps3 remote It gives u a surprise... 0_0
How do you unlock the long gui? Do you have to clear the game? I thought you have to beat mission 63 where You have to fight the adamantortoise but I've cleared It and still nothing...
Should I wait until I unlocked the final stage of the crystarium? Or is it beatable earlier on? If I go continue in Eden now, would I have to finish the game to unlock the final stage of the crystarium Or is there something else before the final battle?
Yes! I've finally beat it! Thanks for all your help! Now theres another mission I'm stuck at... I can't seem to beat the Raktavija in the titans trial or the mission Where you have to face 2 of them. When fighting only one I can stagger it once but can't kill It off yet, then once it multicasts aeroga and ruinga Together then It's a gameover plus I can't death spam it either since it's immune to it.
I think lightning has that ability but for the triple com, does that mean I should switch hope for another character since his attack is pretty weak? And would equipping lightning with the lionhearted help with the instant stagger ability?
Plz reply to this I've looked everywhere for this answer! How do you defeat the gigantuar in Final Fantasy Xiii? My team is Hope (rav) as leader with Snow (sen) and lightning (com). My team seems to get picked off one by one with 10000 needles and sometimes he just goes for me in the first hit which kills me instantly! I need heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppppp!
hey I'm looking for any new rpg games with co-op with up to 3 players I've played - Final Fantasy: crystal chronicles (both ring of fates and echoes of time) - Soma Bringer - Lunar Knights - Children of Mana I would prefer 3d-ish games but anything good will do. I so want to play Blood of Bahamut but it's still in ***, I wonder when it's going to be translated to English...
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