"This is just the latest unfortunate situation surrounding Quantum Break's PC version. The original PC launch was something of a mess, with the game being broken for users of certain hardware and others finding it difficult to play with a stable frame rate. It also lacked support for things like G-Sync and FreeSync out of the gate."
Why didn't they also link to where the game was patched twice within a short period of time addressing those issues? Also, has Gamespot reported on the 11 patches that Uncharted 4 has received?
@Mindwipe77: Considering PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, pretty much every Nintendo and PC has had Backwards Compatibility, your point is pretty moot. There is a reason there is backwards compat, and gamers want it. There are over 1000 posts on his article alone because it's popular.
Fundamentally change NMS if on NEO? So since NEO is less powerful than PC, does that mean NMS on PC is fundamentally changed from the PS4 version? Must be.
Aaron Greenberg continued: "Over time do we want more developers to come over to our store and offer it in addition to Steam? Absolutely. Is competition good for people? Absolutely.
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