I laughed till I cried xD I dunno what the other killstreaks will be, Dogs and Heli will probably return thoughIt's been confirmed by I.W... When u get a 15 kill streak the enemy turn into paraplegic midgets wearing only mankinis. Saw it on the official website.
kye_2's forum posts
I still dont know why that game got bad review scores. rangegearIt got bad scores? D: It really didn't deserve them :/ I don't know a single person that has played that game and not liked it
I can also recommend the Godfather 2. My friend lent it to me and I jsut didn't wanna give it back, it was too fun!
Think of Gears style executions in a free roaming game like GTA. You play as a Mafia Don and you can go around the city with your family or alone - you choose. Not a huge variety if guns, just 1 from each section (1 sniper, 1 shotgun etc...) although they can be upgraded. The things I liked most (apart from the executions and taking over businesses just to scare the **** outta the owners :P) were the little things such as when you steal a car, if a civilian saw you the get an eye icon above their head to show that they were a witness, you can then bribe them, beat them up or run before they call the police!
Also the multiplayer was very active when I played and its very good too, I only played TDM but its like a typical TDM in any game except that you can do all of the executions from single player too (and you get more points for doing them)
also, I usually only play online games too but the single player on The Godfather 2 hooked me from the start which is why I didn't play multiplayer much :P
hm we play mostly the same games, except I don't have the orange box (got bored of it and TF2 confused me xD) or L4D (found the gameplay repetetive and boring from playing the demo), so from that I can recommend Far Cry 2 to you, although it's past its prime and people seem to have stopped playing ranked matches as much, you can still easily get a game in player match. The map maker is awesome and the story mode is great too (free roaming FPS!)
The controls are very similar to CoD although it feels different and the graphics are awesome.
Burnout Paradise (well any Burnout for that matter), it's incredibly aggravating to struggle with a race and then finally manage to navigate the map correctly, you're in first place, 1 road away from the finish, you drift around the corner and *BAM!* a bus steers into you (i'm not even exaggerating, the traffic steers into you on BP) and you're in 8th just like that.
and that's the just single player, in multiplayer there's always one "idiot" to ruin the game by constantly taking people down whilst you're trying to complete challenges
Even with all of that I still love the games to pieces
To be honest I only played #1 and Red Hot Rumble on PSP.
Viewtiful Joe 1 was great though!
Anyone else really want to see a new Viewtiful Joe game come out on the 360? (or even a remake of the first game!)
Viewtiful joe is so awesome and with the cel shading we have in games today (such as DBZ: Burst Limit and Naruto: UNS) we could have a pretty amazing looking game on our hands, it would be viewtiful!
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