If you have an xbox original, get some friends and get Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes. Its like a 4 player adventure/RPG. Its fun for a few nights if you have a group of at 2-4.
If you have an xbox original, get some friends and get Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes. Its like a 4 player adventure/RPG. Its fun for a few nights if you have a group of at 2-4.
On my 360 i think it was Forza Motorsport 2, came with the 360:P. But the very first game i played on 360 was probably Gears of War or Halo 2, but i dont know.
You hit the nail on the head. Most FPSs (and TPSs influenced by FPSs) are a little uninventive (Halo, CoD, GoW...). On the flip-side, these games can be awesome for 15-20 minutes of online gaming. In my opinion, FPSs were MADE for online gaming. Along with MMORPGs they form the cornerstone of online gaming. The problem is that they rarely extend past this. Like Ayessua said, some are amazing, and the first-person perspective can add a certain amount of drama to the game, like Bioshock or Half-Life 2.
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