@parabol69: The reveal was great. I actually got super excited when they finally unveiled what the console is/is aiming to be. That event in January, however... yikes
"2016's Suicide Squad, which won an Oscar, was written and directed by David Ayer, though he is bowing out for the sequel and is now making a movie about female DC villains."
@boardsport311: it's okay to be wrong, lol. Naw I'm just kidding, you're great. Infinite does have a really good story. The original Bioshock's story is arguable as good and IMO is presented better. But as a video game, the original is far superior.
@louixiii: Columbia is an amazing setting for a video game. Unfortunately, 'tis no Rapture.
Elizabeth is a great character but I never really cared for Booker much.
The one thing that really bothered me about the game mechanically was the weapon system. Specifically, you go through the entire game with two weapon slots, only picking up generic gun types as they come. There is no weapon upgrading like the first two games which was one of he most satisfying game mechanics of those games.
Infinite is great, just not the best bioshock game.
L_Willard's comments