@gotrekfabian: Why are people so impatient? Surely the games will be shown off at E3. But there's more games announced for Series X than PS5 at the moment.
PS5 only has Godfall, Series X has Everwild, Halo Infinite and Hellblade 2 announced already.
Be patient, what's the point in revealing stuff 10 months from release.
@thelostscribe: I agree, the campaign in Halo 5 was really rather dire - I've always played the campaigns in the Halo series, I love the atmosphere. Similar to the original Tomb Raider actually, it has this feeling of isolation in a big beautiful (for the time) world, but this feeling diminished with subsequent entries where 5 barely felt like a Halo game at all.
But terrible and short campaign aside the multiplayer was really good, probably the best actually. So I've sunk a lot of hours into the game. But I have a good feeling about Infinite. Fingers crossed!
We Happy Few had an incredible amount of potential and it's story (Arthur's anyway) was very interesting and the setting was fantastic. But the rest of the game just didn't hold up, I really had to push through the game to reach the conclusion of Arthur's story and I'm glad I did, but I couldn't be bothered to play the rest of the game - the stealth was terrible, the action was clunky and the weapons were useless.
I think Compulsion could make something really interesting with the financial backing of Microsoft.
LadonnaTDQ's comments