Well, not much has been going on in my life. I actually just found out today that my cousin broke into a gas station and is going to jail for awhile. He doesn't get sentenced until June 30. But I think it was a really dumb move on his part. He should know better than that.
Camp Rock is in 2 days!!:D:D:D I'm so excited and I can't wait. It's gonna be so much better than High School Musical without a doubt. I haven't stopped listening to the Camp Rock soundtrack since I got it lol.:D:D:D
Do you think Camp Rock is gonna be better than High School Musical? Why or why not?
Here's the blog of icons that I was gonna post last night but didn't have time to do it. And this is a blog for Supernatural fans and Jonas Brothers fans. These are icons of my two favorite things: my favorite tv show and my favorite band. So it's a two for one special lol.
First up is Supernatural!
Next up are the Jonas Brothers!
Well, there's the major icon blog. I hope everyone is satisfied with what's there. It's something for the fans of my two favorite things. So I hope you all enjoy them!!!:D:D:D
Well, today isn't really a day that I like to celebrate. For Father's Day, my mom is making a fruit salad for my grandpa and she bought an ice cream cake for my other grandpa. Then later on today we're gonna go buy balloons and let them go at the cemetery for my dad. That's pretty much all we do for Father's Day every year.
Well, Bridgefest was awesome. There were a lot of people there. One of the bad things that happened was the fact that I had lost my car keys. I had a clip on them and they were attached to my belt loop but they somehow fell off. So I had to go find a cop, and when I did I realized I was talking to the police chief. He's a friend of the family so that made it even better lol. I told him that I lost my keys and he said that someone had found them and turned them in. I was so relieved. I had a spare key for the car, but the set that I have has my car key, house key, a dog tag, a best friends key chain, and a guitar key chain. I know those are replaceable but I still didn't want to lose them.
A good thing that happened was that at one of the tents, I bought a framed picture of the Jonas Brothers. They had about three stacks full of pictures of them, but then I found one that I had never seen before, so I bought that one. I'm really happy. I just don't have any room on my walls to put it on lol.:P
This morning, I was going through the weekend newspaper for my area, and for the first time they had something about the Jonas Brothers in it. Well, it was about Camp Rock, but still, you get my point. So I was really excited about that. I ripped the article out of the paper, and then when my mom's friend Kurt was going through it, he yelled to me to come in the living room. When I got there, he stuck his face in the hole that I had left after I cut the article out. I couldn't help but laugh. But I told him and my mom about the article that was there. I brought it downstairs so that they could read that and whatever was on the back of it.
Well, that's pretty much all I have to update for now. If I get a chance later on today, I'm gonna post a blog with some more icons. But this time, it's gonna be a little different than my other icon blogs.:D
Well, I woke up early to watch the Jonas Brothers on Live with Regis and Kelly. It was pretty cool.:D I thought it was funny when they asked Kevin who is first crush was, he said, "Oh, man, I don't even remember." Haha...I just thought that was pretty funny.
Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day for me. There's this bridge that connects my town (Houghton) with our sister town (Hancock). It's the only thing that connects the two big chunks of land. It's actually the world's heaviest lift bridge. Here are some pictures of it.
Anyway, every June there's this big celebration called Bridgefest. Each year, Houghton and Hancock celebrate the bridge that links the two cities together. So there's this big parade on Friday, fireworks on Saturday, and there's this big festival on the waterfront on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It's always a lot of fun. There's a separate festival that same weekend called the Seafood Fest. Obviously, it has a lot to do with seafood. That one I don't really care about because I don't like seafood. But the parade is always a blast. The parade lasts about an hour and a half. There's always things to do during Bridgefest. It's one of the highlights of the summer. It's always a lot of fun. Here are pictures of what goes on.
And finally, here are even MORE icons!:D:D:D
But that's not all! Here are also two new Jonas Brothers icons for all those Jonas fans!:D:D
I seriously do lol. I've just been surfing for icons lately. I haven't had anything much better to do. So I have even MORE icons to share. I feel like I'm losing my mind because of how many icons I've been finding. I thought it would be a good idea if I shared them with you all.:D:D
Well, I got my new cell phone. It only cost me $50 to get it. I was pumped. Then I told my mom what I did and she was glad that she didn't have to pay for it. So I'm glad that she was happy. I saved her some money.
We just finished with our garage sale about an hour ago. We made over $350. It was awesome. We're putting all that money toward a vacation that we're planning. We don't know where we're going yet lol.
Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I decided to post two blogs in one day. That doesn't happen very often, but today was just a really good day for me. So this blog is gonna have a bunch of icons...Supernatural icons.:D:D
I'm finally done!!!!:D:D It's so awesome.:D Well, I had my history exam today and I think I did really good on it. I just really want to see what I got but the exam grades haven't been posted yet. I'm hoping they're posted tomorrow because I really want to know what I got.
Well, my cell phone broke today. The screen is messed up. Not only that but the camera on my phone broke about two months ago. So I'm gonna go to Alltel tomorrow and get a new one. It's gonna cost a lot of money but I don't care. I need a new one. And my mom won't buy me a new one, and I don't really think that's fair because my sister lost her cell phone less than three months after we had gotten them and my mom bought her a new one. Now when I need a new phone, she won't get me one. I don't really think that's fair. But it doesn't matter. I have enough money get a new one myself, so my mom can't tell me I can't get a new one. It's my money and I'm getting a new cell phone.
Well, that's all I have to update for now. I'll post more soon!:D
Well, I got two exams out of the way today. I only have two more to go. I have my Chemistry exam tomorrow, and then I have my History exam on Wednesday. Then bye-bye junior year, hello senior year. I'm so excited. I can't believe that summer is already here. It came so fast, but sadly it's gonna go by just as fast. This summer is gonna rock because my sister is going to Pennsylvania for about three weeks, so my house is gonna be really quiet and it's gonna feel so good. I'm spending my 4th of July up at my camp. That is the best place to spend the holiday. There's a boat parade and all the camps around the lake shoot off their own fireworks. It's awesome. It's better than seeing the fireworks in town. I have so much planned this summer. Although, I'll probably spend a majority of my summer swimming lol.:D:D:D
That's all I have left of school!:D It's really exciting. It honestly doesn't seem like I only have 3 days left of school. Well, not really three days. On Monday I get out at 1:30 and on Tuesday and Wednesday I get out at 11:30. So I don't even have full days at all next week. It's gonna go by so fast. This whole year went by fast. Next year is gonna go by even faster because I'm gonna be a senior. I'm actually a bit scared because I'm that much closer to being on my own out in the real world. It's pretty scary if you think about it. But I'm planning on moving in with my friend Alicia. It was so funny, because she came over to my house after school and then we went grocery shopping for my mom. It was so funny because she was pushing the cart and she kept bumping into things. And then we bought a 12-pack of Mountain Dew, and we were on our way out to the car and she was riding on the cart through the parking lot, and the Mountain Dew fell out of the cart and the box literally started to roll. It was pretty funny. I've never had that much entertainment grocery shopping.:D:D:D:D
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