laidback_16's forum posts
And this sh!t is the bomb!!!!! its so crazy, i mean, there is some much options and stuff to do on it, and my brother bought oblivion, i didn't really think much of the game, but now im addicted!! who else has oblivion this game is so crazy, it would have been perfect if it had online, this game looks like it was designed for online play but then it was abbandon at the last minute, i have owned a Wii for the past couple of months, so now im PSWii Niqq@@@
To take full advantage of gaming, PSWiiii
"he emphasized EA's recent push to create new games, including Army of Two, Rock Band, Crysis, a Stephen Spielberg Wii game, Playground, and Smarty Pants."
their not talking about the Wii....hes refering to new IP's from EA in general....crysis isnt the only game on that list thats not on the Wii.
ooo, cause i thought it said they was gonna change platforms to the wii. my bad
Check out the link, can someone tell if this is true?
Do you guys remember that star wars game for the arcade that had three diffrent chapters to chose from and you would use some kind of joy stick, and remember that last boss darth vadar when you had to fight him with the light saber, imagine if thats how the Wii version would be, (of course improved) that would be tuff. Thoughts?
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