Are you guys all forgetting about Resident Evil Deadly Silence ? It is the first resident evil which was a ps1 game, it doesn't play to bad either, i know cuse i have it.....
well if you need a web brpwser do get the Nintendo DSi, it has free web browser, if you have wifi of course, and in my opinion screen protevtors are not worthit. on my old gameoby sp i had one and it wouldnt come off and when it did it left sticky carp all over. the mp3 is also DSi, all you have to do is convert songs to AAC format, which is no hassle, really easy....
asphalt racing is awesome, i just bought it, very fun, wide assortment of vehicles, and well worth only 800 points !! if you only have 800 this is the best choice out there. buy it !!
The only reason i planned to get this game was for wifi, and when i heard it had none i totally dropped the idea, so i hope that in their sweet time in making this that they add wifi.
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