PSP totally owns, but 360 is way better. Pretty dumb idea IMO.
yah, i was thinking about trading my psp(hehe only for a second though 8)) for a DS, but if i save my money, i should have enough of to get a DS in about a month, month and a half.
Wow, you are insane. Trade a PSP for a DS? How? How could you even think about that? DS has to be the worse thing ever brought to gaming. If you would rather trade a PSP with PS2 graphics, for a 2D gaming experience that the DS offers, than go ahead. I dont know what goes through you people's heads. Sheesh
Excuse me? I have a DS and a PSP, but I think the DS is far superior. I haven't had any problems with it and my PSP is already gathering dust after being only abouta month old. Which is selling more again?
I also think you guys are weird for saying the Wii is bad. All three of the systems are good. Sheesh.
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