@Domaldel wow had a really really good gameplay and i can easily say as most of the people say that is tha best ammo. Not only for its content. I tried guild wars which again didnt have a nice gameplay, better than secret world though. Tried champions online which was ok. And a few more but none reached the smooth and nice gameplay of wow. And yes since the 1st levels you could tell if wow was fun or not. Only mmo that reached wow's gameplay is starwars which i wont say that i tried it for long but only for a few levels and the gameplay was enjoyable and pretty much a copy of wow which i think is the ideal gameplay for an mmo. And remember i only speak for gameplay / the way the player moves etc. Not content / story / spells / powers blah blah. The content might be nice, but dunno cant talk for that since i didnt try it that much.
@Domaldel Some said its good because if its features. But not the gameplay. And others say the gameplay sucks. I tried it and the gameplay at least for me its not good at all. Not something i would enjoy playing
@DrBlumpkin if it wasnt for nintendo ud still be licking ur feet idiot. At least appreciate what nintendo did for gaming industry. Or wait. i guess u must be another kiddo that has no clue what happened in this world. Grown up with cod and god of war lol. Thats what kiddos start to play as 1st games nowadays. Even thought everything started from nintendo
dont understand why people hate this game so much. its funny. entertainy and keeps you playing in the toilet. what more do you ask from a phone game? Oh yea start flame now cuz i said toilet game. YEA. Cuz if you play mobile games elsewhere then it means u have no life. And yes angty birds is a great and most epic toilet game
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