It's simple, the objective of this thread is for me and another person to get the all cars achievement. So far I'm only missing cars from Germany, Italy and UK and I have all the others. If you have all the cars from one of those countries please sign in so I we can gift cars to one another till we get the achievement.gp19
OMG ITS U AGAIN LOL ADD ME ON LIVE AGIAN I GOT A NEW GT, it used to be latin0gangsta now its younghustla420
i just hooked up my xbox 360 to live a few days ago ( after about two years ive had my 360 ) and was wondering what good games ( shooters ) would be good for online i dont want any tactical shooters though and my gamertags haider2k786 :)h_2_izzo
gears, vegas, cod3, halo2, preoroder haalo 3, Graw1,2 and im really tired so i cant think lol
isnt everyine sick and tired of all the racism and trash talking that happens on xbox live, Every day i got made fun of becuase im 14, or becuase im spanish or just simple stupid things that i cant even remember
Everyone lets find out a way to stop all of this mess
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