laurenmichal Blog
Go me!
by laurenmichal on Comments
I finally figured out how to post a picture on my blog. It was easy. I LOVE this picture, too. Burned, by far, is the best episode so far this season. It has the cutest little moment at the end. Aww... *feels happy when looking at the picture because it is a great E/O moment*
Shippers ROCK!
New Banner and Again
by laurenmichal on Comments
Yep, a new banner for me, again. I thought I would make a Chris and Mariska one. I like it. I'm still not the master at making banners, but I'm getting better, I think.
Okay, this is random, but did you ever think again should be pronounced A-Gain not A-Gin. I looked at it today and was puzzled, I didn't think I spelled it right. Why does the English language have to have all this retarted junk in it?
Okay, how do you put pictures in your blog? I can't figure it out, I'm computer L.D. So any help on this would be greatly appriciated.
Banner! Yay, A New One!
by laurenmichal on Comments
I made a new banner. It's kinda plain, but it's of the things I love: Piano, Law and Order: SVU, and Music. I really like it, but if you don't, hey, it's your opinion. (Sorry if I sound rude, I'm not meaning to be.)
Friday, The Day of God's Gift! And Randomness, Why I Am!
by laurenmichal on Comments
What's up ghetto fabatious people? Today is not just a regular, old day. It's Friday. So tonight I will be a home watching T.V., doing my homework, and kicking butt at DDR.
Tomorrow is Saturday, and wish me luck, because I'm gonna try to get my learner's permit. (Oh, I'll have to study that tonight, too.)
I'm 59% on Level 4. My last 4 submissions were accepted so I'm basically super, ultra happy. =D
:!: Yay! Yay! :!: Just Random Yays!
Randomness is the coolest thing in the world. It's what I am, random! I love being this way, too! Spontaneous and crazy. Doing stupid things and not caring. Doing something totally off the wall that really serves no purpose. (Like telling someone you want their breadstick or give a random person, that you don't know, a Valentine card or going through all the candy hearts just to get one that says something totally stupid, like URA TIGER!)
Well, I know that this blog was totally pointless, but I love doing pointless things. It's so fun.
Today, Another Snow Day!
by laurenmichal on Comments
Okay, this is my 8th snow day in the past two weeks. I got my Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Season 2 yesterday in the mail, so I've basically been watching those all day. They have a lot, and I mean, a lot of special features, like deleted scenes and interviews and stuff.
Also today, I have been organizing all my pictures and documents on my computer. Man, I have so much junk on this thing. I had to delete a lot of stuff. It's kinda like spring cleaning 2 months early. Well, I'd rather do it now than never.
Then, I did DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for 2 hours. It's like the funnest (yes, funnest) workout ever. I mean, I know it's a game but you get a workout as well. It's awesome!
Well, only 5 days 1 hour and 38 minutes until the new episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Yay!
by laurenmichal on Comments
I FINALLY got my English Multi-Genre Project and Photo Essay. I've been working on it since December. Also, I finished my Science Fair Project. (Why do we even have to do those? I mean I've been doing one since the 3rd grade.) So now all I have to do is my Spanish project, which isn't due until the 23rd. After I get that done, which I plan on doing either my next snow day or Saturday, I will basically be done for the rest of the 3rd 9 weeks because we have to plan for these stupid OGT's (Ohio Graduation Test). If you don't live in Ohio, you are SO lucky. School is getting really old. I can't wait til next volleyball season, that's the only reason I like school. Volleyball and friends.
So last night, I stayed up until 4:30 a.m. Me and my friends, since we had a snow day today, we all watched Open Season and If Only. If Only is such a good movie. If you like romantic movies, I HIGHLY recommend it. All of us girls were bawling our eys out.
Well, today is Valentines Day, and for all the single folk out there (like me), it's just another day. I wish I had someone to share it with, but I know, someday that someone will come along. So all you singles, don't be down and out, true love is out there, somewhere waitng for you. So you just have to wait for him/her, too!
Hope that gives you singles some hope out there.
by laurenmichal on Comments
Two more snow days in a row. 7 in the last two weeks.
Well, Dependent was all good, right up until Elliot went back to Kathy. I mean, come on, what's up with that?
Lost is on tonight. I hope it's all good in the hood on the island.
Well, sorry this blog is short but I have to work on a HUGE English Project. It's a photo essay. It's due tomorrow and I haven't even started. Oops! Such a procrastinator..
by laurenmichal on Comments
I'm pretty much a DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) fiend! I love it, but more than that. I love Law and Order: SVU and I cannot wait until Tuesday. Okay, I know I've already posted this on the forum, but here is how I WANT Dependent to go:
Everyone is convinced that Elliot is guilty except Olivia. Even Cragen Munch and Fin aren't sure. Olivia's about to make a break in the case when she sees Elliot in Cragen's office turning in his badge. Elliot walks out of Cragen's office and gets in the elevator. Liv doesn't get to it in time so she make a mad dash for the stairs. They meet at the front entrance. "Elliot, wait," Liv calls. Elliot keeps on walking. Liv chases after him. She catches up and grabs his shoulder. "Elliot, what happened in there?"
"Nothing, just leave me alone."
"LEAVE ME ALONE," he screams in her face! He suddenly realizes he's hurt her. "Liv, I'm sorry."
"Elliot, what's happened to you? Why are you doing this?"
"I have to. No one believes me."
"I do."
"Thanks, Liv, but you believing me is not going to convince a judge and a jury." "I'm going to prove you're innocent."
"Thanks." She gives him a hug, but lingers longer than she knows she should. They pull away and look into each other's eyes. Liv's eyes are tearing up. "Elliot, I will prove you innocent."
"Come on, Liv. I'll walk you home."
The camera fades as they walk together.
Tune in next week to find out what happens...
Okay, The End!
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