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Microsoft in 1st Place?

The System Wars have always been an interesting subject in the gaming world.  From Nintendo's dominance in the '80's and 90's to the absolution of Sony becoming #1 with the PS2.  But then we have the still young Microsoft who swiftly positioned themselves into 2nd place with their first outing (the XBOX).  Then Microsoft gambled to have their current gen. system out first.  The X360 came out with a handful of good launch titles (even if they weren't considered that great at the time).  Finally, here we are a year later and the competition has caught up.  Or have they?

Nintendo seems content with being in 3rd, as they didn't even bother to up on graphics - stressing inovative gameplay over visuals (which are good anyway).  But their launch was not overly impressive as systems were hard to get and launch titles were attacked for having "awkward controls".  The last thing the Wii needs is bad controls.  That's the whole point!  Now the potential with the Wii is still a lot of fun to think about.  Even with the three-headed monster of Zelda, Mario, Metroid seemingly cloning their past efforts.  Other original games with unique gameplay present a bright future for Nintendo.  But its still a future in 3rd place.

Then the reigning champ Sony stepped up with it's PS3.  The problem there is that its really as different from the X360 in the same way that the PS2 was different than the XBOX.  Which is to say, not by much.  That's all good though, except for the truly absurd $660 price tag to play a single game.  That's where the second problem is.  What game to play?  Obviously they have one, Resistance: Fall of Man.  But that's pathetically it.  And an oldschool First-Person Shooter isn't enough for me to sell my house for it. 

Meanwhile, Microsoft already has an impressive growing library to it's name.  With their year head start they've had titles such as Oblivion, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, King Kong, Condemned, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Perfect Dark Zero.   Microsoft has long had the edge on technical graphics, albiet slight. So Microsoft is, at the moment, in 1st.  But for how long?  I think quite a while.

Besides the year head start, we live in a different era today than ever before in the gaming world.  Meaning that most third-party developers make games for multiple systems.  And by multiple systems, I mean the X360 and whatever else.  So, when we look at the 70% of third party games being for multiple platforms, the 10% exclusive titles that each respecitve system will weild.  It means that if you own a X360, then you can play 80% of all available games.  Nintendo's price is so consumer friendly, that its very doable to make your consumer total 90%.

So what it amounts to is this: Will Sony make itself relivant.  It can only do this with numerous exclusive titles to justify it's price tag.  They needed Assassins Creed.  But Sony execs we hesitant to pull the trigger.  Thus, X360 owners get that one too.  The latest and scariest rumor is that Metal Gear Solid 4 will make a late appearance for the X360.  Yikes.  Sony can't let this happen.  Because the more exclusives Sony loses, the more it will look like Sega did over a decade ago, with egg all over their face. 

Microsoft is on the throne and it's looking pretty good that they'll stay there this round.  But a competitve market is the best scenerio for us, the gamers.  We benefit from all this stuff.  And all three systems will have their ups, and it's probably the best its ever been to be a gamer. 

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