I'm playing DiRT 2 and maybe some Red Faction: Guerrilla :)
lecramstar's forum posts
Bought the game yesterday, and I really like it!:D
The graphics are perfect, the music is good, and the gameplay is very fun:)
I recommend it8)
I have 3 FPS
Rainbowsix Vegas 2
Halo 3
Call of Duty 5
I have more TPS:
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Gears of War
Mass Effect
Found supported games for the wheel on this site: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360wirelessracingwheel/
Dunno if you can use it
Mass Effect for sure.
I wonder why everyone says that?
I for one, had real issues with it.
No save points and/or checkpoints, only autosaves after every mission, which really isn't a good thing because what happens when you die in the middle of it, and don't save? Back to the start for you. :roll: Besides, isn't it a pain to be constantly pausing and saving at a crucial mission, not knowing if you're gonna die or not? I completely forgot about saving sometimes because you could only do it from the start menu. If I at least saw a save point every now an again, I would remember to do so.
Ridiculous loading times, and even then, textures weren't renderred properly AT LEAST until 30 seconds afterwards.
Side quests were boring and repetitive.
There's no real 'tactical' element to it, which I would expect from an RPG shooter.
Everything was either good, bad or neutral when it came to responses. Nothing too deep about it, yet I keep hearing everyone say that it is.
Personally, I found the combat boring after 30 minutes or so.
But hey, this is just me rambling. If you really wanna stick to your choice, by all means, do so. :roll:
There actually is a saving option in the game, just hit the start button and then select Save.
Also, the texture pop-up and the long loading times are gone when installed to the HDD.
And there is a tactical element when you play on a higher difficulty.
OT: Mass Effect and Fallout 3 aremy favourites.
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