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lee7373 Blog


Lets talk about Neighbors.  I have nice  Neighbors  and mean ones. What about you. This is just a random blog, cause I want to see if people like me and post:)

A Contest (Anyone Can Enter) MUST READ

Since my Gears of War Clan was Area 51, I changed my Gamertag to A51 lee7373. But now, I want to get rid of it. So I am holding a contest to see if someone can come up with the most creative and coolest Gamertag. Remeber, make it praticle, cause I am going to be called that on-line a lot. So just say a gamertag that you think I should use, you can say as many as you want.


Oh, you don't win anything8)

Please Comment (But only Once!)

I want to see how many of my 722 friends actually comment on this blog. I am guessing less than 100, but hey you never know. So since you can only post once I will be giving you a lot to comment on, so you can make your post count.
I got a new emblem recently, along with half the people on gamespot:

but I am still happy.

You have noticed that I have been on a whole lot since I created this account, but starting next month my time on gamespot will decrease, for a personal reason, don't ask.
I am still waiting on my Bio Warfare emblem easteast posted my badge on the site but I didn't get it yet.
Post here if you don't want any more union invites from me
Stay cool everyone, and I hope you read them all, especially the last one;)

I changed the name and subject of my union!

My union is now called the (X360) Shooters union. I did this because the Gears of War (X360) union was dieing. And stripeknight gave me the idea to change it to make it more accessible to more people. I hope that will give more poeple a chance to join.

OMG I can't wait!

Its coming, I can't wait, only 4 more days. Ohhhhhhh, why won't it come. I want to play it soon. The online is supposed to be amazing. Plus I haven't gotten a new game for my XBOX 360 in awhile.

Can you guess what I am talking about?
*hint* look under wishlist *hint*

Um.....other than that I don't really have any updates, other than the Gears of War union is dieing slowly, there are less and less posts a day.

My New Plan

A Gamespot user recently pointed out to me that I wasn't posting a lot and I was acting a little different. Well actually something just happened to me in my personal life, but I am over her anyway.

So, I have decided to post on Off-topic more because recently all I have been doing is posting in my union and a couple of other unions, now how am I going to meet new people when all I am doing is posting in the same places. So I have decided to post a lot more in Off-topic. Oh, and you may remember I was suspended a while back for posting spam in Off-topic. Well, that will not happen again, I hope. So I will meet some new people and I hope that they are mice to me, and maybe I can make a new friend or two.

In case your were wondering that Gamespot user that pointed that out to me was amward2001. She is very nice to me and I have become friends with her. We met someday in Off-topic I think when she said something about using Gamespot on her cell phone. Now that amazes me because I tried on my PSP, and it didn't work, and she used it like every other Gamespot user. And recently she got a CPU and I am thrilled for you. So thank you for opening my eyes to something that I couldn't see all along!:)

Its time for the truth!

Yes, if you haven't already noticed, I lost a couple of emblems. Well, that is because I decided to tell the truth about my Game collection, which I think should have been done a long time ago.
And somthing that I never mentioned before, I was made and officer in the emblems union, I am so happy about it! I have enjoyed being an officer so far and I love it, thank you fastesttruck!

The Emblems Union