CONGRATS man that's though to doI'm sure nobody cares, but for anyone that has actually gotten the platinum trophy for this game, I'm sure they'll understand why this has to be posted. Getting that trophy was ridiculous... but it's quite satisfying.
legionofdugi's forum posts
not entirely true we buy next gen consoles b/c we want the new games lol Graphics are great, but i have a high end computer and i still play diablo 2 on it hahaIn my opinion graphics are insanely important, it doesn't matter how amazing the story or the gameplay is, if the graphics are lacking the illusion is completely gone.
Think of it like a movie, if you see a goof then it takes you out of the movie. That's how I feel when I see bad graphics.
Besides, isn't that why we all own a next generation console? Because we want good graphics?
What's Squad Rush? I cant find that in the game modes... do you unlock modes as you level up or something?
Lol no its there. Hmmm I am on PC but i know they all have the four modes. It is 4 v 4 rush. I like it personally.
Lol no its not there. Hmmm I am on PS3 and I see only 3 modes...
Here rush mode was a mode for preordering the game. If you didnt get that code you would have to wait a few weeks on the console versions
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