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E3 this year.

E3 this year was great(unlike last year, where it was only "OK") And MW2 looks even better, and I am SO preordering a Special Edition of this! Can't wait till then!!! AC2 looks GREAT too, along w/ BioShock 2, The Saboteur,and ODST looks to be a step up from H3. I'll probably get AC2 from Christmas and buy the other 2 myself. Anyway here are the demos if you havent seen them yet;


And the 2nd:


And the trailer:

BioShock 2:

Halo3: ODST:

The Saboteur:

And I may update this if need be:)

Modern Warfare 2, BioShock 2, Assassins Creed 2, Battlefield BC2 and some others

Modern Warfare 2, BioShock 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Operation Flashpoint 2, Halo 3: ODST, Batman Arkham Asylum and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, are going to be great games this year. I'm going to try and get all of these future masterpieces(and sequels as all of them(exept Batman and ODST) has a "2" in it:P). And I'm going to get the Special Edition for BC2 and MW2, and MAYBE BioShock 2 depending on whats in it. But I think Modern Warfare to is going to be the best out of all of them:) Can't wait!

Great, more problems with the 360

Ever since we got the 360 back we've had problem with the DLC. My profile(the one that originally downloaded the stuff) is the only profile out of the 3 that has any of the DLC. So my brother can't play Halo 3 with the mithic map pack, or World at War with the new maps. That goes for split screen as well. The directions to get the DLC back didn't work(i.e re-download everything), so I e-mailed Microsoft. They sent a computer-downloadable fix for it, but guess what?! It would work if... my profile wasn't jacked up. No, not stolen, but when I first made the profile, I put in my Dad's email(I didn't hae one at the time) but I put it in wrong, I missed 1 little period, and now everything's screwed. I have to be signed in to for the download to work. But how can I sign in with a email that doesnt exist? Ugg. I now have a secondary profile(to put all myMSP's on(from now on)but the really, really bad news? My origial one has $60 worth of DLC on it. Uhh. I emailed Microsoft again about this problem and later I shoud get a reply.

i got Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway and my bro got Gears of War 2 yesterday!

And BiA was a very good(single player lol) game to buy for $20 at Gamestop yesterday. I find it a fun game, and I havent tried the multi yet(and I probably wont for a while, cuz I hear it sucks) but I do find the single to be very enjoyable. Its like Ghost Recon exept WW2:P.

And my brother got his beloved Gears 2 yesterday, the game he's been wanting forever. I have to say, this game got good ratings for a reason:) Its graphics are the best there is(in my knowlege) and the gameplay is pretty fun. No1's tried the multi yet, but I hear that iswn't worthwhile either... but the single is:P

So yeah, thats about all interesting thats happend this month.

Uggg, my 360 brokex(

Yeah, the video card did actually. Now when I turn it on you cant see anything, but the sound is still there. Well at least Microsoft will repair it... but since the warrenty is out so its going to cost.......... $99.99. I hate this.:x And its going to take weeks to ship it there get it back, etc. O, well at least I still have LotR: Rise of the Witch-King for the PC. My fist console game(actually BFME2 was, but RotWK is just its expansion). And the mod "Wars of the East" should keep me busy for a while tho:P

Been Tagged; 10 things you may or may not have known about me

I've been "tagged" by Lansdowne5, I guess its something going around but anyway.......

1: I have a Border Collie who is all awsomeness dogs are

my dog max

His name is Max:)

2: My 2 favorite things are Call of Duty and Lord of the Rings

3: I have moved 4 times in my life.

4:I am practicly a critic. If someone gets something wrong, I'm usually 1 of the 1st to correct them.

5: My favorite TV shows are Doctor Who, Monk, Psych, Flashpoint, and my fav out of them all: 24.

6: My favorite sport is Football, and I like college more than the pros. My favorite team is The Florida Gators, Tebow!

7: I've never boken a bone in my life. But I did sprain my arm badly.

8: I love to play Airsoft, every Sunday from 3-5. Can't wait till I get my own gun!

9: I'ma Christian, Conservative, homeschooler.:D

10: I also love to go fishing and hunting.

I tag jojobaker15 and Bamul.

I just beat CoD: World at War on Veteran!

Yes, thats right, I finnally have now beat both CoD4 and CoD5 on Veteran!!! So awesome. But yeah, HotR(Heart of the Riech) almost literally seemed impossible, but I finnally beat it after what felt like 70 trys, lol. It was probably more like 20 tho. The ending to "Downfall" was pretty hard too, as well as "Relentless". For some reason I didn't find "Blowtorch & Corkscrew" to be very hard. Funny, ppl say its the 2nd to hardest lvl. O, well, anyway I also got the achievement "Throw a Six and a Half"(Go an entire lvl on Vet w/o dieing)! Even tho I did get it on "Blood and Iron" the easiest lvl on Vet. But still. So besides "Blood and Iron" I found "Hard Landing" and "Little Resistance" pretty easy too(But, they're the 3rd and 2nd lvl). Thnx for any comments!

WOW, I just BEAT CoD4 on veteran!

Wow, I cannot believe it... I finally beat CoD4 on VETERAN. Dang that was hard. Anyway that HARDEST lvl was by far... "No Fighting in the War Room". Yes this lvl was insanity for me. The last lvl "GameOver"was the easiest, lol. Other grueling lvl's were "One Shot, One Kill". That lvl was impossible. But I kinda cheated on that one;) lol. "Charlie don't Surf" had its hard parts too. But "Game Over" followed by "All Ghillied Up" were the easiest. "No Fighting in the War Room" followed by "One Shot, One Kill" were the hardest. The reasonthat "No Fighting in the War Room" was harder that "One Shot, One Kill" is because like I said before, there's a cheat: Hide in the telephone boxes:lol: wierd right? lol, but it got me through. Anyway I just wrote 2 blog post in 1 day! Hooray for me! But I will soon be done with CoD: World at War on Veteran too.