It's funny how first person shooters are always the villains, but if you think by the logic of people who criticize violent games, any game can be violent. I can say Super Mario Bros. can lead to mass shootings because Mario kills the turtles when he jumps on them, so every stage is a massacre.
@Luizao2779 @leikeylosh The issue is when a game deserves a 10, for example, and the site gives it an 8 just to "be different", regardless of the game's merit.
I don't know who's in charge of Gamespot recently, but he/she is making a terrible job. Gamespot seemed to have adopted a "we-will-not-give-the-same-score-that-other-sites-are-giving" policy and it's destroying their credibility. Whoever is managing the site this way, please stop.
"The beauty of cruising in the sun-kissed Los Santos hills while listening to “Higher Love” by Steve Winwood turns sour really quick when a voice comes on the radio that talks about using a woman as a urinal."
Maybe that's exactly how the developers wanted you to feel.
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