@iAnej I prefer this style, with one full ponytail. In Witcher 2, Geralt had half a ponytail, which looked like he intentionally made a haircut to look pretty. In this one, he just pulled back his hair so it doesn't get in the way in battles.
@Oogazi @dawg295 I've played the first one and became a huge fan of the series. I actually like the combat in the first game, having to time mouse clicks to perform combos and switching between 3 styles. Kind of a mixed action Rpg system. I thought it was a cool concept but needed work, obviously. The combat in TW2 is totally different, of course, but the game is different and there was the controller layout, so.... I don't know which one is best.
@dawg295 Apart from the excessive roll in combat, I thought the combat system in Witcher 2 was pretty good. I really felt I was becoming stronger as I spend points in abilities, like multi-foes finishers.
@ZoeGirl21 First of all, the first Witcher came out before Skyrim. Second, Skyrim is a bugfest, I don't even know how that game works at all sometimes. Third, I don't know about you, but the lack of cutscenes and scenario-changing choices completely pull me out of the experience. Being able to kill everyone in the world or not is NOT the choice an RPG should give the player.
My only, ONLY complaint about The Witcher series is about the complete lack of facial expressions in characters models. If they work on this area, then it'll be perfect!
@treepop99 I say cut the emo crap completely. The first few Final Fantasy games had medieval fantasy setting. How about a return to that scenario, Square Enix?
leikeylosh's comments