"Sony's loss of exclusivity with this enormous franchise cannot be overstated." GameSpot's fanboyism shines brightly once again. They of all people should know that MGS4 was a one-game exclusivity deal, just because MGS4 was PS-exclusive doesn't mean that every succeeding game has to be or "Sony loses an exclusive, wow they suck". You gotta love how, when PS3 gets an Xbox 360 exclusive (think something like Bioshock), nobody cares. But when a PS3 exclusive goes to Xbox 360, it's instantly "Oh, Sony's dead" and "Death to PS3, it can't keep any exclusives!!!" How about, Xbox 360 and PS3 both have very few remaining third-party exclusives. That business model is old and it wastes possible revenue, so why would someone use it?
Here's a lot of thoughts piled into one comment: 1. Windows 7 is already shaping to be a hit in my opinion. It works great and looks great (but I'm a Vista user so I feel like there's not a whole lot of new stuff). I'm still buying 7 Ultimate on release though. 2. Vista is not a bad operating system. I've been running it for over a year now on a Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz w/ 3GB RAM, and I honestly haven't noticed a thing, even if my video card is a piece of crap 128MB ATI Radeon HD. The computer was only about $550 from Dell too so the "you need a high end computer to run Vista" is not a valid excuse. Anyone who thinks that Vista is "unusable" has clearly never used the operating system long enough to have a valid opinion. 3. Users of a certain type of computer who think that just because it is what it is means they are better and more glorified than everyone else (*COUGH* Mac users) need to shut up. Here's my opinion of Macs: They are overhyped, underfeatured, and very much unsupported by a lot of great applications that run on Windows PCs. If I was a person who sat down and posted on MySpace all day and made/edited videos of myself with my fancy iCamera or whatever you call it, then sure I'd buy a Mac. But I'm glad to be using an actual computer right now. 4. No, Ubuntu is DEFINITELY not a worthy replacement (or anywhere near it) for Windows or Mac OS.
Could these comparisons please stop happening. They're quite annoying, actually. There are plenty of games with awesome graphics but terrible gameplay, and there are also games with average graphics but awesome gameplay. And just about everything in between. There are 360-exclusives with revolutionary graphics (Look at Gears of War 2. Look at Halo 3). There are PS3-exclusives with revolutionary graphics (Look at Uncharted. Look at Metal Gear Solid 4.) So Please, GameSpot editorial staff, stop trying to fulfill your writing quotas with these useless articles, and actually, i dont know, cover real news for a change?
BigMace23: Yeah, but MS had a whole year to get their graphics higher as well. PS3's graphics now are about where 360's were a year ago. So your math doesn't really make sense, hate to break it to you. of course, you probably still don't understand.
Jeez ever since Jeff Gerstmann and his team left (best editorial people on face of the planet), this website has hired some seriously fanboy-fueling people who are just dying to add controversy (throughout the 3 puny news articles they actually post in a week). New editorial team sucks here, thats all i have to say. This graphics comparison is completely stupid, as all are. Wii is selling more frequently and has sold more total units than any other console, yet you dont see it being compared graphically, do you? NO! Because as the Wii has proved to us all, graphics determine absolutely nothing on whether or not a game will entertain us. If it does, there's a problem.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... you have to roll over the links... Everybody may now laugh at me because im a retard I guess all of you have now seen the intelligence level of a fanboy :-P Wow I am so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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