@Noonewarrior: I didn't say worst I said worse compared to Gamecube. For me that is true. Also, worse doesn't mean that PS2 was bad, just that the Gamecube had a better lineup in my opnion. I loved Eternal Darkness and Skies of Arcadia.
And the truth is: FF10 felt like kick in the nuts after FF9. :-) This ruined a lot for me ...
I'm kinda excited now because the game will come out within my vacation now. Which suits me perfectly. They can take all the time they need. Just make it a masterpiece (Shouldn't be too hard :-) ).
@Noonewarrior: Actually I played all of them except Goldeneye007 (was sadly banned in germany) and 1080 Snowboarding. I think you are right there were amazing N64 games. Nevertheless, commercially it wasn't that great compared to the Playstation (30 million compared to 100 million units sold). Even the Playstation 2 shipped significantly more than the Gamecube, and the Playstation 2 had a worse lineup in games (my opinion, Skies of Arcadia anyone?). The Wii is just a special case because a lot of casual gamers thought the controls were interesting. Bought it, played a game and then put it on a shelf to collect dust. As a console the Wii and the Wii U are pretty mediocre. I loved the Nintendo games I've played but if Nintendo makes another failure I think they will retreat from the console market. They don't have unlimited money (like Microsoft for example). So, I am kinda excited what is about to happen to the NX. If it's good then great more Nintendo, if it fails then good Nintendo games probably on other consoles.
@nintendoboy16: So, if a new Zelda or Mario game would be released on all consoles it would be bought less? I just cannot believe that. They already play with the mobile market and I'm afraid they make a big blunder. I'd rather see a mario on a playstation than a f.... smartphone.
@nintendoboy16: So you think their quality in games would suffer if they don't build their games for their own console? I don't really believe that. Also, SEGAs games were never THAT good to begin with. But that's subjective.
By the way: Even if it is sad (and it is), natural selection applies here too.
I don't understand why games like Assassins Creed get crap for releasing basically the same game every year and when Nintendo does the same with Pokemon it's welcomed. If they reworked the gym stuff at least. Maybe build a something like good coherent story ...
If they will really go to space (I don't think so), then disregard my comment ;)
Leon-Strife's comments