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Christmas on the way

I just passed Prince of Persia (PS3). What a fun game. I need to write a review, my first one here btw. I haven't written any since I would like to have the game fresh in my mind. I was quit surprised that I got the trophies 'be gentle with her' and 'speed demon'. I actually shouted "What the heck??" out loud when I got them... I think I definitely did fall to my demise more than 100 times. And under 12 hours? Sure didn't feel like it. I'm also a bit suspicious since I took my time to find all the light seeds. So I think there's no way I managed to pass the game that fast. Even though it was quite easy. I'll check tomorrow if the trophies are still there :D

Amanita is having christmas offer. You can download Machinarium and Samorost 2 + both soundtracks for 10 dollars. I seized the opportunity immediately when I found out about it. When I tried the Samorost 2 demo it had a vaguely familiar feeling. Then I remembered that I have actually tried the first one. It was a short one and free. The sequels demo is as long as the first one was. And I didn't even pass it back then. I didn't "get" it. Such a stupid youth. Now there's just one thing. I can't move Machinarium from my wishlist to my collection. For some reason the game info says the release date is March 5, 2010 so it cannot be displayed on my collection. And I have absolutely no idea where this sort of thing could be reported :D It's not really a bug so not to technical forum. But it's not really a suggestion for enhancement either. It's just a tiny piece of incorrect info. I guess I'll have to wait until march then...

Games and motion sickness

So, I decided to do a bit of research on this topic since it's a huge problem for me. It seems many other people have this nuisance as well. It can affect you mildly, so that you can continue playing but you just feel bit uncomfortable with sudden movements or really badly, where you start sweating, feeling nauseous and even throwing up. It can start from anywhere to tens of minutes to a few hours into playing. FPS games seem to be the main cause but some get it from nearly any game if they play too long.

Some helpful tips that I found were:

-Play in a properly lit room, with window open if possible. Playing in a dark , breathing stagnant air is not good for you.

-Motion sickness pills can help but they can also make you drowsy and slower your reflexes. This is not good in most games.

-Ginger might help. I found tips from ginger pills to ginger ale. Anything really if it just has ginger in it.

-If possible, change the viewpoint further away so that there are no "bobbing" things on the screen, like a weapon or the characters head.

-Some people have found help from wristbands called Sea-Bands. They are supposed to work by pressing a certain acupuncture point on your wrist. Looking in to this some more it seems to be 50/50 if they really work or not.

I think I'm going to try those ginger pills if I can find any. I might also try the motion sickness pills anyway. Since I'm an allergy medicine and sleeping pill user too, it takes a lot to make me drowsy :lol:

Here we go again...

I have a new mantra. It goes like this:

"I can't afford it, I haven't got the money, I can't buy it."

Boring, isn't it? But necessary since I am so lusting after Assassins Creed 2. I've watched all the videos I could find and I'm glued to the TV everytime I hear the music from the advertisement. And I know already that I'm definitely going to get motion sickness from it if I ever play it and it'd end up gathering dust on the shelf but heck, I can't think straight about this. Renaissance Italy. Leonardo da Vinci. That wing contraption of his, actually working? Unbelievably beautiful looking graphics. And the main character being a hunk isn't so bad either ;)

Maybe I could try motion sickness pills... I had to use them when I was a kid because I got car sickness. Maybe they'd work on video games too? Who knows. Worth the shot :D

Oh money where hast thou gone...

I now have my very own DS Lite. And it's PINK! Girly girly pink. I was going to buy the retro red, but looking at it at the store, it kinda made my eyes hurt and started to imagine playing for hours with something so bright that nothing on the screen can possibly compete. So maybe not such a good idea. My eyes are wonky enough already thank you. Now the only problem with the pink one is that the markings on the buttons are on white. The are just barely visible. I'm constantly mixing start and select since I can't remember them by heart just yet. So as I'm playing Children of Mana right now I just accidentally activate Fury instead of the intended pause for a potty break...

Then we kinda... accidentally... bought the PS3... yes. But it just was there! We couldn't leave it there all alone now could we?? That would have been cruel! So we bought it. It came with Uncharted 2 and it was confirmed that I can't play it. I get motion sickness from it, like I get from soooo many other games. But I can load demos from the shop and try them. It's good for now since I have my hands full with the DS. I tried Arkham Asylum. I had fun sneaking around but... Motion sickness. Yay. Folklore has been interesting me for a while already and there was a demo of it so I tried it. Fun! Now I just need to find it, preferably from a bargain bin or the local antiquarian book shop. They usually have great selection of playstation games. PS2 that is... Not so much PS3 games. Yet. In the mean time I know they have Prince of Persia in there. All the reviews have said it's ridiculously easy. Sounds like my game!

But maybe I'll wait a bit witht those. We did just pull the double stupid so not much money left anymore... No christmas presents this year \o/

Thank you post office efficiency

I shouldn't have said it. Or at least I should have knocked the wood. Both Shin Megami Tensei games DID arrive at the same day. Now I have to draw a stick... Although, as I tested the games just now, Lucifer's Call had more interesting looking start. Gah... Funny thing, Devil Summoner came with covers written in Italy. It just had a note in it saying that all the game content is in English. Too bad the manual isn't xP (yes, I do need the manuals from time to time, shame on me)

Shadow Hearts also arrived today. The condition didn't look quite the "Good" it was supposed to be. Luckily most of it was just dirt, grease and finger prints. But it does have some worrisome looking scratches that may or may no affect the gameplay. We'll see. We do have disc-o-devil equipment at work if it looks like my Playstation can't read all of the disc properly. I could just slip it in the next batch of CD's and DVD's that Dear Customers have ruined... This is almost the worst form of corruption you can do when working at the library, maybe behind erasing your own late fees :D Anyways, the case was also broken from one corner and the strategy guide had big black 'P' drawn on its cover. How nice. Not worth giving negative feedback (PlayTrade) but I'm teetering on the edge of neutral. Also, the case reeks of cigarette... I'm too damn soft. I should just give the negative and lambaste the seller like they deserve. But I haven't the heart to do that. Bwaah.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES

I'm sold. Totally, absolutely sold. For now at least it seems like I might get to give it a 10 or close as soon as I pass it (it cannot possibly botch things so bad now that I would have to lower the score much, can it? ...on the second though *knock the wood*) And now I'm reading all these reviews of Persona 4, saying it's all that and much more? Kinda makes me hope that P3 would end soon so I can start P4. But on the other hand no. I don't want P3 to end just yet. I get confuddled like this easily, since I have the dumb. I found Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call (or Nocturne on US) and Devil Summoner - Kuzunoha Raido vs The Soulless Army from net stores and now those two are going to add themselves my shelf as well. I get kinda dizzy @__@ I guess I'd better stick to the order in which I obtain them. So P4 next and then whichever arrives to my mailbox first. But what if they arrive at the same day?
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