ok thx
leonid313's forum posts
where the profile and charecters saved?
can i delete the game, and later on, install it again, and continue playing?
in the game of Crysis, as you all know theres a stealth mode, that makes you invisable to others..
now, im really iterested of how exacly this works..
lets look at the facts..
when youre in the cloack mode, if you run, "your energy" drain really fast.. on the other hand if you dont move it drains really slow..
also, when you fire while in cloack mode, the "energy" drains completly and youre visible again.
so, if to think of that, the cloack mode, is more of a way to get yourslef unnoticed, [kinda like in doctor who if you know what im talking about].
now i understand, it was made like this so the player wouldnt be invinsble.. but if you think about from the in-game point of view, how you think it could be explained?
in the game of Crysis, as you all know theres a stealth mode, that makes you invisable to others..
now, im really iterested of how exacly this works..
lets look at the facts..
when youre in the cloack mode, if you run, "your energy" drain really fast.. on the other hand if you dont move it drains really slow..
also, when you fire while in cloack mode, the "energy" drains completly and youre visible again.
so, if to think of that, the cloack mode, is more of a way to get yourslef unnoticed, [kinda like in doctor who if you know what im talking about].
now i understand, it was made like this so the player wouldnt be invinsble.. but if you think about from the in-game point of view, how you think it could be explained?
1) You are playing the original game. 2) Yeah i'd recommend buying the original, then The Burning Crusade at level 55-ish; then Wrath of the Lich king at level 67-ish. I dont remember getting any additional free months for each expansion. You can if you have a real life friend you know that plays on your server, to use the Recruit-a-Friend promotion. You cna get like 3 times the EXP and its meant to level you up much faster so you can start playing The Burning Crusade much faster. Its entirely up to you though. You have to take advantage of the Recruit-a-Friend feature BEFORE you purchase the game. 3) I havent looked recently at the price of the original game. Amazon.com or Gogamer.com would be the best if you want a physical copy. You can just get a digital key from Blizzard.com and avoid any shipping costs or waiting at all. Once you enter in a retail or digital download key, thats it. The game simply gets unlocked from the trial account. You may have to download a small patch, but thats it. 4) Each expansion is less than $40. But again you REALLY dont need to get them all at once. The game is $15 a month if you pay every month. Its around $11 a month if buy 6 months upfront.XaosII
you mean, i just get a KEY that i can use? so id have to download the game everytime?
and, does it matter where i buy the game? if i buy online, from us or europe, its the same game, right? no matter what country i buy it?
im asking, because i already started a game[lvl 14], and i dont want to start over, id like to continue with the charecter i made.
I'd buy the games piecemeal. If you quit before level 58 you just wasted the extra money you plunked down for BC. Expansions don't give you a free month, just the original does. The community is total **** though, just as bad as playing online games on Xbox Live.cametall
cus i thought[no offence to anyone] that the community is kinda nerdy, and there are usually ok, the nerdy ones.
+ the some people i met on my game, were ok, did quests togther, and had fun..
hi there everyone..
last thursday i thought, hey, everyone is talking about this game World of Warcraft... is it really taht good?
so i downloaded the free trial from the site... been playing all weekend and yesterday... and today...
wow... yeah.. im lvl 14 nightelf hunter!! yay!
but now for business.
i love it. i want to play it.
now my questions are:
1)ive downloaded the free trial from the site, what was i playing? the original? the burning crusade? or the king one?
i mean im asking, is what i played is all that WoW is..
2)if i want to buy the game, how should i do it? buy the original first, get to lvl[here you say till what lvl, or place the original is], and then purchse the next one, or buy them all togther?
aditionaly, maybe its more affective to buy them saparetly, cus i hear with every game you buy, you get first month free, is this right? wrong? what?
3)how do i buy? where is the best place to buy? store?
*in the free trial, i get "upgrade to full account", how does it work? like steam?
4)how much every game cost? and how much it costs every month?
thank you
Mass Effect 2 Launch and Starcraft 2: Ghosts of the Past.
thats pretty sweet.. but i must say i liked better the first one
first time seeing it, i almost shat my pants
the "Force Unleashed 2" trailer was SO FREAKING EPIC!
also the "Old Republic" trailer was really cool..
and the new Crysis trailer is also very well done
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