Hate Early access, devs still get paid so what incentive do they have to release their game ASAP? They can milk early access and still make more money when they finally release it fully, if ever! Just look at Dayz,H1Z1 etc I don't mind Demos or Betas
@berserker66666: But would you say there's a likelihood of PC community having significantly more pirates than consoles? If you answer truthfully, then you too will see the irony of someone calling themselves a "pc master race" and a console gamer a "peasant".
@caj1986: I haven't lent my games to a friend for a long time, probably while I was in my teens early 20s and still living with my parents . There is a difference because with online piracy millions can have access to the pirated content compared to lending to 1 or 2 friends.
@spectre3140: "PC master race" not PC gamers, I was pointing out the irony of someone calling themselves a "pc master race " when their community is full of pirates and let's not pretending like it's not alot of them. If I was generalising I would've said "PC gamers"
"PC master race" call console gamers " peasants " but yet their community is full of pirates even though majority of their games cost less than console games, irony!
No point been mad at the devs/pubs, suckers in their millions will still buy it and that's why devs/pubs don't feel the need to change. I'll play the game but won't be paying full price, it will be in the bargain bin or used, that's my part done in the fight against greedy devs.
letsgame82's comments