lettyjb / Member

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lettyjb Blog


The Nintendo's conference ruled them all!!!
I think my wishlist's just got a lot bigger!
Wii rocks!! It is PERFECT!!
And the new games for DS and GC too!!

And look what I've seen a lot of people using:

that's Sony's advertisement for Playstation Uss...
Well, I don't really like Sony, and I think some of the ideas they really took from Nintendo, but if they didn't they would have fallen behind, wouldn't they?
Anyway, what do you think?


Yesterday I met some friends from high-school.... We had a great time! It was wonderful!!
Such sweet memories from those years...


I don't have anything to post today... :P
So I'll just post this picture of me (in the middle) and some friends on the airport! ;)

Have a great weekend all of you! ;)

Another one...

Yes... I have another test today... :( In the evening...
And I'm working during the day...
At least the weekend is coming! :)
How's your week going? ;)


I've just passed by to say
to you!! :P
Because I'm on a hurry again... Yes... Another test... :(
But at least I'll come home earlier! And play my GC! :P


Good morning!!!
Well, today I'm going to have an exam... So I'm in a bit of a hurry here...
See ya all at the end of the day!! ;)

Mystery Eggs

In this site http://www.pickle-green.com/egraphics/main.php?id=eggs (I don't know why, but I'm not being able to put a link here)...
You can adopt eggs that will hatch after a month... I'm used to put it on my signs in forums here in Brazil...

Today my egg hatched... It became this weird thing:
but they've got the date wrong...

I've already got one egg once that became this:
this one is cool! :P

My new egg: