So I try to install Oblivion GOTY edition (including Shivering Isles) on Vista.
Try again: can.
Start game: crash.
Restart: yay, works... but defaults to minimum. Change resolution, asks restart.
Quit: crash.
Start: settings are unchanged. Change settings, quit, crash.
Start: settings are unchanged. Change settings, press ~ for console to save .ini, no console. Alt-F4: crash.
Search .ini in Documents, find .ini, open it, find only two lines inside. Delete .ini, start game, quit: crash.
Find .ini, only two lines inside, delete, start game, ctrl-alt-del, stop Oblivion process. No crash.
Find .ini, now a million lines inside. Ctrl-F to find allow console, no such command found. Add it manually, start game, change setting, press ~ for console, no console. Quit: crash.
Double check .ini - everything is fine. Start game, change settings, no console. Quit: crash.
Spend 40 minutes manually changing the settings in .ini, start game, New Game, click Yes, nothing happens.

I would install it on my XP partition, but I accidentally shift-deleted my entire Program Files folder a few days ago and I'm scared of what would happen if I boot XP.
rofl.. this kinda happened to me with Fallout3 on XP, not sure if the patches have fixed it yet??
Oblivion did crash once randomly, and several times upon quitting, though im not sure if its the game, since i have about 20 mods installed
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