@CaptWaffle @liandrikonflict Uhhh...This is about False Advertising...when they showed off the game at an event they said "THIS IS THE GAME AND GRAPHICS YOU WILL GET"...so Gearbox/Sega lied...and the product that was sent out was not like it was presented...that is why this lawsuit has wings and Gearbox and Sega will pay big time.
@BlazingSpeed If Microsoft can let 7 Billion people on the planet know about their product im sure a few million people will be able to afford it and buy it...for some reason some people will buy ANYTHING.
@EddieDominguez ??....EA do the exact same thing with shooters every year/2 years...Battlefield...Crysis...Medal of Honor...?...mostly with Battlefield one year...then Medal of Honor next year...pretty much same gameplay/gamemakers...
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