These "one time" mandatory connections for certain games is just enough to send all your audio and video in compressed format from Kinect 2.0 that has been recording since you plugged it in to Microsoft/NSA servers.
@WarL0rdzz @xplayer_xbox360 I hope you know all those 5 million laws and 20 new law that are passed each day because you probably broke at least 300 of them in the last 24 hours.
This is how it would work with you the innocent citizen...I Bheen Fharting has been buying uraniam overseas and is a friend of a friend of your sister on facebook...ALL of you...your phone, web traffic will be looked at and if you accidentally went to that middleastern But Plug website it will be up for grabs and used against you in a court of law...but who needs a court of law when you can just be thrown in Guantanimo Bay without access to an attorney for how long the govt sees fit.
@Dannystaples14 @liandrikonflict I guess you dont read any news except gamespot news?...All your phone conversations have been recorded for years...NOT just the metadata....
liandrikonflict's comments