exactly...not only that but it's logical that after 3 games Isaac would know how to thoroughly combat the necromorphs, and after 3 games people should already have gotten used to them.
Am I the only one who liked this DLC? It was creepy, it was fun, and the ending sets up for another game.
Yes I understand the complaints about DLC, especially when it comes to buying an ending...but I don't really buy DLC and only make few exceptions.
I personally enjoyed DS3, there were problems ofcourse, but it was still really fun and enjoyable. My main complaint was that it was too bright at times(tau volantis) wish it was nighttime mostly....but other than that I had a great experience
I was content with the story and the truth behind the necromorphs, with the DLC we saw more development with the threat which got me excited. I don't mind having another dead space
It's one of the few games I can name off the top of my head that I so far enjoyed every game in the series
@bigbigpiggyboy there was a scene in this video where I saw death attacking war, so maybe....or maybe it was just an apparition of him. Though since it takes place around the same time as war's journey, I would doubt it unless there are flashbacks.
I remember I got the first game day 1 and was the game I was most excited for ever since they announced it, yes even when War looked like a robot.....I can say the same for the second game. Not many games nowadays(at least console wise) are just pure fantasy without human characters. Most games try and focus on realism and how to "humanize" the hero; but darksiders is just fun, artistic, fantastical badassery lol
1st game was Event Horizon, 2nd was Aliens, 3rd is the Thing........no it's not a bad thing because those are my 3 favorite horrors but mixed in one with Dead Space ^_^
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