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#1 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts

...don't take ratings seriously.

Another ally. Thanks.
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#2 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts


:lol: man, Sheep are grasping at straws here. Listen.

No matter what you say, 360 and PS3 owners are playing more than twice the amount of good games as you. PERIOD.

Exclusive or NON exclusive, thats only a lable that means absolutely nothing in the real world.

I can stick twice the amount of AAAs in my PS3 as you can in your Wii, and that is the ONLY thing ANYBODY should care about.

Have a nice day;)


Lol you keep ignoring everybodies post. I'm wasting time with you. Esclusives are the most inportant thing. You fail to realize that. No one has the right to judge if a game is good or not. I've met people who said they loved Castlevaina 3 and dislike 1 and 2. Rating don't mattter, lol. You've already made my day, thanks. Pwning people like you always makes my day.

How the hell are you "PWNING" me?!?

So......I get to play twice as many good games as you? If thats what PWNAGE is than please.....PWN me some more!!!

But somehow only exclusives count. You sheep will do anything to make the Wii look better.:lol:

Enjoy playing HALF the amount of must-have games than me, with inferior graphics, and half of said games being Gamecube ports I played last gen8)

I still phail to see the PWNAGE.

You have yet to bring a legitimate arguement to the table. I swear Sheep are the most laughable faction on system wars.

Clear this up for me real quick, bro. Sheep is Nintendio fans, Cow are PS3 fans and Lems are 360 fans? And yea, you still ignored my post. :lol: You sure are insucure about the consoles you own, huh? That's sad bro.
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#3 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts
[QUOTE="lilcross4"][QUOTE="clyde46"] lol? Can you be a bit more constructive in your reply.clyde46
That just seems dumb to me, no offense. Can you list the games you have for each respective console?

I currently own a 360 and a gaming PC. When I get my student loans I'll be buying a ps3.

No I mean what games do you own for them?
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#4 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts
Ok so I'm guessing Sheep are Nintendo fans, Cows are PS3 fans and Lems are 360 fans? That sounds so stupid, :lol:
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#5 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts
[QUOTE="lilcross4"]What is GRAW? shadow_hosi
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare apparently every version of it (the different platforms) are different its one of them "different game same name" things goin' down

Oh, ok. My bad.
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#6 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts

[QUOTE="TheArmyGuy48"][QUOTE="-Oath"]I guess its safe to your just a loud, desperate fanboy, atleast thats the way I see it,

Now this thread makes more sense ;)


Yup, im the one thats deperate.......*goes back to playing DOUBLE the good games as Wii owners, with better graphics* Lol you keep ignoring everybodies post. I'm wasting time with you. Esclusives are the most important thing. You fail to realize that. No one has the right to judge if a game is good or not. I've met people who said they loved Castlevaina 3 and dislike 1 and 2. Rating don't mattter, lol. You've already made my day, thanks. Pwning people like you always makes my day. Lol your making me repeat myself boy this is getting tedious. *looks into purchasing 360, with which I can play almost TRIPPLE the good games as Wii owners, with better graphics*

Quote incident, my bad. Lol you keep ignoring everybodies post. I'm wasting time with you. Esclusives are the most important thing. You fail to realize that. No one has the right to judge if a game is good or not. I've met people who said they loved Castlevaina 3 and dislike 1 and 2. Rating don't mattter, lol. You've already made my day, thanks. Pwning people like you always makes my day. Lol your making me repeat myself boy this is getting tedious

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#7 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts

[QUOTE="TheArmyGuy48"] I fail to see how im stumbling.:|

But your right. I WILL have a nice day playing double the AAA and AA titles of Wii only owners;)

While they play less than half the amount of Must-Have games than me, with last gen graphics, and exactly half of their AAAs are gamecube ports:lol:


I guess its safe to your just a loud, desperate fanboy, atleast thats the way I see it,

Now this thread makes more sense ;)

Yup, im the one thats deperate.......*goes back to playing DOUBLE the good games as Wii owners, with better graphics* Lol you keep ignoring everybodies post. I'm wasting time with you. Esclusives are the most important thing. You fail to realize that. No one has the right to judge if a game is good or not. I've met people who said they loved Castlevaina 3 and dislike 1 and 2. Rating don't mattter, lol. You've already made my day, thanks. Pwning people like you always makes my day. Lol your making me repeat myself boy this is getting tedious. *looks into purchasing 360, with which I can play almost TRIPPLE the good games as Wii owners, with better graphics*

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#9 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts

[QUOTE="lilcross4"][QUOTE="TheArmyGuy48"] I fail to see how im stumbling.:|

But your right. I WILL have a nice day playing double the AAA and AA titles of Wii only owners;)

While they play less than half the amount of Must-Have games than me, with last gen graphics, and exactly half of their AAAs are gamecube ports:lol:


But you do realize that the 360 has only 1 "AAA" exclusives and that the rest is multi-plats? Compared to the wii and ps3 that both have 3. :lol:

:lol: man, Sheep are grasping at straws here. Listen.

No matter what you say, 360 and PS3 owners are playing more than twice the amount of good games as you. PERIOD.

Exclusive or NON exclusive, thats only a lable that means absolutely nothing in the real world.

I can stick twice the amount of AAAs in my PS3 as you can in your Wii, and that is the ONLY thing ANYBODY should care about.

Have a nice day;)

Lol you keep ignoring everybodies post. I'm wasting time with you. Esclusives are the most inportant thing. You fail to realize that. No one has the right to judge if a game is good or not. I've met people who said they loved Castlevaina 3 and dislike 1 and 2. Rating don't mattter, lol. You've already made my day, thanks. Pwning people like you always makes my day.
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#10 lilcross4
Member since 2008 • 885 Posts

[QUOTE="lilcross4"]I just remember. Halo 3 , Gears of war 1, and Mass Effect ain't exclusives. That means the 360 has 1 exclusives. :lol:shadow_hosi

omg your right :lol::lol::lol::lol:

how is halo 3 not exclusive? did they announce a pc version or something?

My bad, I thought I saw an article on a PC halo 3. Must have been halo 2. come to think of it the PS3 now has 2 because littlebigplanet is coming out on PSP too. So the wii has 3 exclusives "AAA" and the PS36O has 2. :lol: